
> answer, " I do not have time for that crap". Where did I go 
> wrong here? I feel so
> ashamed, & violated<g>. Someday maybe he will realize his 
> errors and return to the
> fold. Actually a friend of his put XP on a machine & has had 
> nothing but problems
> ever since. I would think he would have gotten the message. 
> What is a dad to do?

Well, first, Rick, remember our M$PA (Microsoft Parents Anonymous) group
meets at the Grange Hall on Tuesday evenings.  We'd love to see you come
down and visit tonight.  ;-}>

But let us remember that our younger folk tend to respond well to child
psychology.  Tell him you support his efforts to become a more well rounded
sheep, er, person.  Nod sagely and encourage his experimentation.  You might
even provide him with a boot partition (known to have sector problems) that
he can use to experiment at home.  ;-}>  It would be good to mention the
evils of FreeBSD, while you are at it.  After all, freedom to choose is all
he's really after.  ;-}9   <== tongue firmly in cheek

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condon        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer       phone: (360) 315-7609            |
| Barbershop Bass Singer  Registered Linux User #154358    |

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