Scribbling feverishly on February 06, Rick Sivernell managed to emit:
> On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 07:58:04 -0500
> Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Scribbling feverishly on February 05, Rick Sivernell managed to emit:
> > > List / Kurt if he is there
> > > 
> > >   I am having a small problem. I have the old stl headers being used 
> > > before the new version. Would like to know if there is a enviro var that
> > > is set with the -I include files. I have a envir variables set & set into my
> > > path but they are not seen unless they have no file by that name anywhere
> > > else.
> > > 
> > >   Any ideas how to get arounf this?
> > 
> > I don't really understand what the problem is.
> > 
> > Kurt
> > -- 
> Kurt
>    The header files and there sub directory files are not seen, if there is a
> corresponding file in the oldder header files in /usr/...... In Windows there is a
> envirment variable to set paths for headers. That way certain headers will be seen
> before others. Is there something similar in Linux/Unix. Or do I need to move my
> stlport stl library to /usr.

Okay, now I understand. -I /some/dir should place specified headers
at the front of the list; that is, the standard headers should be
searched *after* directories specified with -I. However, you have to
use -I- *before* -I because -I only looks for #include "foo.h", not
for #include <foo.h>. Bear in mind that -I directories are scanned
left to right. 

You might also find it useful to use the -nostdinc option, which
turns off searching the standard system directories for include
files. The downside to this should be clear, though.

Finally, use the -H option to tell GCC to print the names of the
header files it is using.

For more infomation, have a look at the "Preprocessor Options" and
the"Directory Options" nodes of the GCC info file.

You definitely intend to start living sometime soon.
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