Okay, I'll bite.  What is it?  There's no man page for 'shopt', nor any
mention of it in the bash manpage as a builtin, so I'm mystified.  That's
on eD2.4, anyway.


On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 12:20:21PM -0500, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> I don't think I got this tip off this list but if I did I apologize.  I think 
> I got it off the Unix Daily Tip line which is something everyone should 
> subsribe to.
> Put this line at the bottom of your ~/.bashrc    file and you'll be amazed of 
> the fat-finger mistakes it can correct.
> shopt -s cdspell

Kevin O'Gorman  (805) 650-6274  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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