--- Matthew Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Llama.
> The reason for 2.4.2 is because I attempt to stick with Caldera-stock
> kernels.  Granted, I have not done any updates to this box since
> install...  the reason is the reason for the last install (say that 10
> times fast and it'll STILL sound impressively confusing).  It's a long
> story but last time I upgraded everything the box no longer booted and
> I
> have had too much to do to worry about it.  It'll take a few more
> times on
> other boxes before I feel secure again <stress>. I have a feeling this
> has
> something to do with a combination of things... partly having to do
> with
> the Mandrake box being bounced, and partly having to do with the Samba
> differences, and possibly kernel-related.
> I'll have to do another stab at the upgrade process.  
> Any ideas on the CDROM icons?  That flipped me out!

I never use the "Upgrade" option on distro CDs.  I too got very badly
burnt trying to upgrade from COL2.2 to 2.3, and it took me the better
part of a month to recover.
I generally upgrade everything manually now, rebuilding from the SRPMs. 
It avoids having wacky upgrade scripts break things, and gives me a more
optimized system.  Sure, it might take a few days of work, but in the
end, its worth it.

As for the CDROM icons, i have no real idea.  I haven't seriously used
KDE in over a year.  My only guess is some kind of filesystem
corruption. I've never used ReiserFS, who i can't say for sure what
kinds of bad foo it may have.  I've always had very good results with
XFS, which i use on two of my boxes.

Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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