On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 21:41:44 -0500 Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote:>  This sort of sounds like a memory problem. Knowing nothing, I
would venture> that there may be a misunderstanding between your printer
and your server> over how much memory is available on the printer
(making most of this up.)> Also, what does top show during this long
printing job?> Can you just dump a postscript job to this printer?
> Or, can you first filter the job into a file, watching how long it
takes,> and then just cat the file to the printer?
> Joel
> On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 12:17:30PM -0500, Keith Antoine wrote:
> e
> > On Thursday 07 February 2002 08:39 pm, Collins warbled:
> > > Is the following action
> > >
> > > a) typical of unix printing in general
> > > b) typical of cups
> > > c) typical of ghostscript interpreting ps for a laserjet
> > > d) result of screwed up config options
> > >
> > > Whenever I print something that is longer that a page or two, the
> > > printing trickles to the printer in page bursts, ie deliver a page
to> > > the printer, delay, deliver another page to the printer.  On
Windows the> > > entire data stream gets dumped to the printer, and
printing is> > > continuous.
> > 
> > All I can say Collins is I use cups and its no different to Windows
style > > printing.

After observing the behavior with top, it appears that the "pagination"
is occurring back at the ghostscript level.  Any idea how to alter this
behavior?  Cups doesn't appear to have any customizing options - only
choice of dithering, page size, and banners.  The cups admin menu
doesn't have any options that I can find, either.  laserjet 100 is a
selectable option under cups admin, but I didn't see any options there

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX rc1 with xfce and sylpheed
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