[Roozbeh Pournader (Re: Cross Mapping Tables (Re: EastAsianWidth revised)) writes:]
>> On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Jim Breen wrote:
>> > >> If you want something authoritative, perhaps you
>> > >> should ask JISC...
>> > JSA?  (http://www.jsa.or.jp/)
>> I really don't know. I only looked at the ISO members list, and found JISC
>> (http://www.jisc.org/) for Japan.

JSA does the leg-work on IT and related standards. INSTAC is another
player (trying to describe who is who and does what in Japanese
standards is like trying to describe the French police system  8-)} )

>> > No, I really doubt they want to get involved to that level.
>> If they don't, no one else will be able to create an authoritative table.
>> That has a good outcome IMHO, it helps throwing it away.

Well, interested people could blow the dust off the "obsolete" tables
and establish non-authoritative tables that would be the de-facto


Jim Breen  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/]
Computer Science & Software Engineering,                Tel: +61 3 9905 3298
P.O Box 26, Monash University,                          Fax: +61 3 9905 5146
Clayton VIC 3800, Australia      $B%8%`!&%V%j!<%s(B@$B%b%J%7%eBg3X(B
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