In the GNU library glibc 2.2, is it true to say that all wide character C
functions are based on UTF-32 (since their character arguments are wchar_t)
and properly handle such character encoding according to the Locale
(assuming setlocale(LC_ALL,"") has been called). 
If true, it means that my application can use these wide character C
functions to process Unicode character data to correctly process Unicode
character data according to the Locale.

But, is it also true to say that under Linux utf-8 Locales, all C functions
handle properly char data representing utf-8 character encoded data? Do
strlen, strchr, strcmp, strcpy, toupper process char data correctly when the
Locale character encoding is utf-8? OR I need to use the wide character
functions after specific conversion from char to wchar_t of my charatcer

Which functions (wide and non wide character) correctly handle utf-8 data
and which ones do not? And what is the recommended option if I want to
developped a fully i18ned application (use the utf-8 Locale support; or
convert internally to utf-32 by using wchar_t and wide character functions;
or use ICU).


Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels

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