> -----Original Message-----
> It has "Variation Selectors" from U+FE00 to U+FE0F.
> However, the list of "variations", i.e., StandardizedVariants.html
> is not available now.
> Does someone know the detail of this?  I'd like to know whether
> Variation Selectors can be used for CJK Han Variants.
> (I sent a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] a few days ago but
> I have not received a reply yet.)

Using those variation selectors for Han characters is part of the
plan, but there will be none such right now.  Not that I have
heard of anyway.

As far as I am aware, the VSs will *initially* be applied only
for some few math symbols, and maybe also some letters used
in math (e.g. "pointed" italic 'v' vs. rounded italic 'v')
and phonetics (e.g. round 'a' glyph vs. hooked 'a' glyph).
And *so far* only the two first VSs are planned to be used.
(I'm ignoring the Mongolian VSs here.)

                Kind regards
                /kent k

Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels
Archive:      http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-utf8/

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