
      Unicode Font Guide For Free/Libre Open Source Operating Systems

Hi, everyone,

With help from some colleagues, I am compiling selective a guide of
Unicode-based fonts and script projects that are ideal 
for free/libre/open source operating systems. 

Unlike other online font guides that may leave one wondering about
the licensing terms of certain fonts, or about whether a font is or
is not a Unicode-based font, my primary goal on this site has been
to "winnow the chaff from the grain" and present only Unicode-based
vector fonts that are released under the GPL or similarly open licenses
(Actually, a few notable exceptions like James Kass' Code 2000 and 
Michael Everson's Everson Mono which are shareware are also listed
due to their high quality and/or extensive Unicode coverage).

Although the page is still under construction and as a result is 
still incomplete for some scripts, I would enjoy receiving feedback
as well as additional information from members of this list.

I hope to maintain and expand this resource in the future so that
it can serve as a hub for those searching for high-quality, legally-downloadable
fonts for various scripts for use on their Open Source-based computers.

Your feedback and suggestions for improvement will be greatly appreciated.

Note that in the future I plan to incorporate this font guide into a
larger "Primer on Unicode and Software Internationalization on
Free/Libre/Open Source Operating Systems" site which will replace and 
update my outdated "Quick Primer On Unicode and Software Internationalization 
Under Linux and UNIX" at .

- Ed Trager
  Kellogg Eye Center
  University of Michigan
  Ann Arbor, USA

Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels

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