Simos Xenitellis wrote on 2005-02-14 23:38 UTC:
> However, reading the rest of your e-mail it appears that the problem is
> not entirely with SuSE Linux 9.2 but on learning to use it effectively.

There is also the issue of learning enough about how the system is meant
to work to be able to write a useful problem description that gives experts
a clue as to what might have gone wrong.

Elvis Presley wrote on 2005-02-14 11:23 UTC:
> The keymap shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+K) still does not work, it's even worse. When 
> the
> keymap bumps at the end, it spits the control characters into my document.
> What's going on, after all? I can't stand the suspense.

> [Another thing: The floppy and cd devices are hunting for something when they
> should be sleeping (PS The floppy format program just doesn't work either). I
> use these devices, and I don't like it, that's why I'm downgradeing.]

Please never ever just write "does not work" in a problem report.
Instead, please describe in detail

  a) what exactly I must do on my SuSE 9.2 box here (where I had no
     problems with the floppy disk or keyboard mapping support
     so far) to reproduce the effect you were unsatisfied with;

  b) what changes did you make to your environment (config files, etc.)
     that might affect the outcome;

  b) what exactly you were hoping should be happen instead.

Considering how complex keyboard mapping has become under X11 (3-4
mechanisms layered on top of each other), none of the two things are in
any way obvious to me from reading your description.


Markus Kuhn, Computer Lab, Univ of Cambridge, GB | __oo_O..O_oo__

Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels

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