Michel Xhaard wrote:
> Le Mardi 16 Janvier 2007 17:47, Gene Imes a écrit :
>> Michel, I can not capture a picture or video with luvcview.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/portage# /opt/luvcview/luvcview -L
>>> luvcview version 0.2.0
>>> Video driver: x11
>>> A window manager is available
>>> video /dev/video0
>>> /dev/video0 does not support read i/o
>>> { pixelformat = 'YUYV', description = 'Uncompressed' }
>>> { discrete: width = 1280, height = 1024 }
>>>         Time interval between frame: 4/15,
>>> { discrete: width = 640, height = 480 }
>>>         Time interval between frame: 1/15,
>>> { discrete: width = 320, height = 240 }
>>>         Time interval between frame: 1/30,
>>> gene has logged off pts/2 from :0.0.
>>> gene has logged off pts/3 from :0.0.
>> I start with this:
>> luvcview -f yuv -s XxX
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
> Geme,
> It is not allowed for YUYV palette, but i have ask you, if you need it :)
> ok i will set picture in the next revision. avi is more complex as that need 
> a 
> video compressor did you need it ?
> regards

Hi, Michel. Yes I need picture and video. I would greatly appreciate it 
if you would include it.


Gene Imes ============================= ozob.net

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