From: Glen Lee <>

This patch removes following unused funtions which will not be used anymore.


As a result, four global variable causes defined but not used compile warnings.
So just remove unused varialbs g_seqno, g_wid_num, Res_Len and g_oper_mode.

Signed-off-by: Glen Lee <>
Signed-off-by: Tony Cho <>
 drivers/staging/wilc1000/coreconfigurator.c | 1051 ---------------------------
 1 file changed, 1051 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/wilc1000/coreconfigurator.c 
index 450c3ff..f393424 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/wilc1000/coreconfigurator.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/wilc1000/coreconfigurator.c
@@ -163,14 +163,6 @@ static struct semaphore SemHandlePktResp;
 static tstrConfigPktInfo gstrConfigPktInfo;
-static u8 g_seqno;
-static s16 g_wid_num          = -1;
-static u16 Res_Len;
-static u8 g_oper_mode    = SET_CFG;
 /* WID Switches */
 static tstrWID gastrWIDs[] = {
        {WID_FIRMWARE_VERSION,          WID_STR},
@@ -307,160 +299,6 @@ u16 g_num_total_switches = (sizeof(gastrWIDs) / 
 /* Functions                                                                 */
-INLINE u8 ascii_hex_to_dec(u8 num)
-       if ((num >= '0') && (num <= '9'))
-               return (num - '0');
-       else if ((num >= 'A') && (num <= 'F'))
-               return (10 + (num - 'A'));
-       else if ((num >= 'a') && (num <= 'f'))
-               return (10 + (num - 'a'));
-       return INVALID;
-INLINE u8 get_hex_char(u8 inp)
-       u8 *d2htab = "0123456789ABCDEF";
-       return d2htab[inp & 0xF];
-/* This function extracts the MAC address held in a string in standard format 
-/* into another buffer as integers.                                           
-INLINE u16 extract_mac_addr(char *str, u8 *buff)
-       *buff = 0;
-       while (*str != '\0') {
-               if ((*str == ':') || (*str == '-'))
-                       *(++buff) = 0;
-               else
-                       *buff = (*buff << 4) + ascii_hex_to_dec(*str);
-               str++;
-       }
-       return MAC_ADDR_LEN;
-/* This function creates MAC address in standard format from a buffer of      
-/* integers.                                                                  
-INLINE void create_mac_addr(u8 *str, u8 *buff)
-       u32 i = 0;
-       u32 j = 0;
-       for (i = 0; i < MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++) {
-               str[j++] = get_hex_char((u8)((buff[i] >> 4) & 0x0F));
-               str[j++] = get_hex_char((u8)(buff[i] & 0x0F));
-               str[j++] = ':';
-       }
-       str[--j] = '\0';
-/* This function converts the IP address string in dotted decimal format to */
-/* unsigned integer. This functionality is similar to the library function  */
-/* inet_addr() but is reimplemented here since I could not confirm that     */
-/* inet_addr is platform independent.                                       */
-/* ips=>IP Address String in dotted decimal format                          */
-/* ipn=>Pointer to IP Address in integer format                             */
-INLINE u8 conv_ip_to_int(u8 *ips, u32 *ipn)
-       u8 i   = 0;
-       u8 ipb = 0;
-       *ipn = 0;
-       /* Integer to string for each component */
-       while (ips[i] != '\0') {
-               if (ips[i] == '.') {
-                       *ipn = ((*ipn) << 8) | ipb;
-                       ipb = 0;
-               } else {
-                       ipb = ipb * 10 + ascii_hex_to_dec(ips[i]);
-               }
-               i++;
-       }
-       /* The last byte of the IP address is read in here */
-       *ipn = ((*ipn) << 8) | ipb;
-       return 0;
-/* This function converts the IP address from integer format to dotted    */
-/* decimal string format. Alternative to std library fn inet_ntoa().      */
-/* ips=>Buffer to hold IP Address String dotted decimal format (Min 17B)  */
-/* ipn=>IP Address in integer format                                      */
-INLINE u8 conv_int_to_ip(u8 *ips, u32 ipn)
-       u8 i   = 0;
-       u8 ipb = 0;
-       u8 cnt = 0;
-       u8 ipbsize = 0;
-       for (cnt = 4; cnt > 0; cnt--) {
-               ipb = (ipn >> (8 * (cnt - 1))) & 0xFF;
-               if (ipb >= 100)
-                       ipbsize = 2;
-               else if (ipb >= 10)
-                       ipbsize = 1;
-               else
-                       ipbsize = 0;
-               switch (ipbsize) {
-               case 2:
-                       ips[i++] = get_hex_char(ipb / 100);
-                       ipb %= 100;
-               case 1:
-                       ips[i++] = get_hex_char(ipb / 10);
-                       ipb %= 10;
-               default:
-                       ips[i++] = get_hex_char(ipb);
-               }
-               if (cnt > 1)
-                       ips[i++] = '.';
-       }
-       ips[i] = '\0';
-       return i;
-INLINE tenuWIDtype get_wid_type(u32 wid_num)
-       /* Check for iconfig specific WID types first */
-       if ((wid_num == WID_BSSID) ||
-           (wid_num == WID_MAC_ADDR) ||
-           (wid_num == WID_IP_ADDRESS) ||
-           (wid_num == WID_HUT_DEST_ADDR)) {
-               return WID_ADR;
-       }
-       if ((WID_1X_SERV_ADDR == wid_num) ||
-           (WID_STACK_IP_ADDR == wid_num) ||
-           (WID_STACK_NETMASK_ADDR == wid_num)) {
-               return WID_IP;
-       }
-       /* Next check for standard WID types */
-       if (wid_num < 0x1000)
-               return WID_CHAR;
-       else if (wid_num < 0x2000)
-               return WID_SHORT;
-       else if (wid_num < 0x3000)
-               return WID_INT;
-       else if (wid_num < 0x4000)
-               return WID_STR;
-       else if (wid_num < 0x5000)
-               return WID_BIN_DATA;
-       return WID_UNDEF;
 /* This function extracts the beacon period field from the beacon or probe   */
 /* response frame.                                                           */
@@ -500,14 +338,6 @@ INLINE u32 get_beacon_timestamp_hi(u8 *data)
        return time_stamp;
-/* This function extracts the 'frame type' bits from the MAC header of the   */
-/* input frame.                                                              */
-/* Returns the value in the LSB of the returned value.                       */
-INLINE tenuBasicFrmType get_type(u8 *header)
-       return ((tenuBasicFrmType)(header[0] & 0x0C));
 /* This function extracts the 'frame type and sub type' bits from the MAC    */
 /* header of the input frame.                                                */
 /* Returns the value in the LSB of the returned value.                       */
@@ -1058,887 +888,6 @@ s32 DeallocateSurveyResults(wid_site_survey_reslts_s 
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Function Name : ProcessCharWid                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Description   : This function processes a WID of type WID_CHAR and       */
-/*                  updates the cfg packet with the supplied value.          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Inputs        : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure                          */
-/*                  2) Value to set                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Globals       :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Processing    :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Returns       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Issues        : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Revision History:                                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
-/*         08 01 2008   Ittiam          Draft                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-void ProcessCharWid(char *pcPacket, s32 *ps32PktLen,
-                   tstrWID *pstrWID, s8 *ps8WidVal)
-       u8 *pu8val = (u8 *)ps8WidVal;
-       u8 u8val = 0;
-       s32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
-       if (pstrWID == NULL) {
-               PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG, "Can't set CHAR val 0x%x ,NULL 
structure\n", u8val);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* WID */
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF;
-       if (g_oper_mode == SET_CFG) {
-               u8val = *pu8val;
-               /* Length */
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = sizeof(u8);
-               /* Value */
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = u8val;
-       }
-       *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Function Name : ProcessShortWid                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Description   : This function processes a WID of type WID_SHORT and      */
-/*                  updates the cfg packet with the supplied value.          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Inputs        : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure                          */
-/*                  2) Value to set                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Globals       :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Processing    :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Returns       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Issues        : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Revision History:                                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
-/*         08 01 2008   Ittiam          Draft                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-void ProcessShortWid(char *pcPacket, s32 *ps32PktLen,
-                    tstrWID *pstrWID, s8 *ps8WidVal)
-       u16 *pu16val = (u16 *)ps8WidVal;
-       u16 u16val = 0;
-       s32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
-       if (pstrWID == NULL) {
-               PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG, "Can't set SHORT val 0x%x ,NULL 
structure\n", u16val);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* WID */
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
-       if (g_oper_mode == SET_CFG) {
-               u16val = *pu16val;
-               /* Length */
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = sizeof(u16);
-               /* Value */
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(u16val & 0xFF);
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((u16val >> 8) & 0xFF);
-       }
-       *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Function Name : ProcessIntWid                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Description   : This function processes a WID of type WID_INT and        */
-/*                  updates the cfg packet with the supplied value.          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Inputs        : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure                          */
-/*                  2) Value to set                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Globals       :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Processing    :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Returns       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Issues        : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Revision History:                                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
-/*         08 01 2008   Ittiam          Draft                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-void ProcessIntWid(char *pcPacket, s32 *ps32PktLen,
-                  tstrWID *pstrWID, s8 *ps8WidVal)
-       u32 *pu32val = (u32 *)ps8WidVal;
-       u32 u32val = 0;
-       s32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
-       if (pstrWID == NULL) {
-               PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG, "Can't set INT val 0x%x , NULL 
structure\n", u32val);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* WID */
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
-       if (g_oper_mode == SET_CFG) {
-               u32val = *pu32val;
-               /* Length */
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = sizeof(u32);
-               /* Value */
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(u32val & 0xFF);
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((u32val >> 8) & 0xFF);
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((u32val >> 16) & 0xFF);
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((u32val >> 24) & 0xFF);
-       }
-       *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Function Name : ProcessIPwid                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Description   : This function processes a WID of type WID_IP and         */
-/*                  updates the cfg packet with the supplied value.          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Inputs        : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure                          */
-/*                  2) Value to set                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Globals       :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Processing    :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Returns       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Issues        : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Revision History:                                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
-/*         08 01 2008   Ittiam          Draft                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-void ProcessIPwid(char *pcPacket, s32 *ps32PktLen,
-                 tstrWID *pstrWID, u8 *pu8ip)
-       u32 u32val = 0;
-       s32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
-       if (pstrWID == NULL) {
-               PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG, "Can't set IP Addr , NULL 
-               return;
-       }
-       /* WID */
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
-       if (g_oper_mode == SET_CFG) {
-               /* Length */
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = sizeof(u32);
-               /* Convert the IP Address String to Integer */
-               conv_ip_to_int(pu8ip, &u32val);
-               /* Value */
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(u32val & 0xFF);
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((u32val >> 8) & 0xFF);
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((u32val >> 16) & 0xFF);
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((u32val >> 24) & 0xFF);
-       }
-       *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Function Name : ProcessStrWid                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Description   : This function processes a WID of type WID_STR and        */
-/*                  updates the cfg packet with the supplied value.          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Inputs        : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure                          */
-/*                  2) Value to set                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Globals       :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Processing    :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Returns       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Issues        : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Revision History:                                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
-/*         08 01 2008   Ittiam          Draft                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-void ProcessStrWid(char *pcPacket, s32 *ps32PktLen,
-                  tstrWID *pstrWID, u8 *pu8val, s32 s32ValueSize)
-       u16 u16MsgLen = 0;
-       u16 idx    = 0;
-       s32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
-       if (pstrWID == NULL) {
-               PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG, "Can't set STR val, NULL 
-               return;
-       }
-       /* WID */
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
-       if (g_oper_mode == SET_CFG) {
-               /* Message Length */
-               u16MsgLen = (u16)s32ValueSize;
-               /* Length */
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)u16MsgLen;
-               /* Value */
-               for (idx = 0; idx < u16MsgLen; idx++)
-                       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = pu8val[idx];
-       }
-       *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Function Name : ProcessAdrWid                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Description   : This function processes a WID of type WID_ADR and        */
-/*                  updates the cfg packet with the supplied value.          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Inputs        : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure                          */
-/*                  2) Value to set                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Globals       :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Processing    :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Returns       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Issues        : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Revision History:                                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
-/*         08 01 2008   Ittiam          Draft                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-void ProcessAdrWid(char *pcPacket, s32 *ps32PktLen,
-                  tstrWID *pstrWID, u8 *pu8val)
-       u16 u16MsgLen = 0;
-       s32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
-       if (pstrWID == NULL) {
-               PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG, "Can't set Addr WID, NULL 
-               return;
-       }
-       /* WID */
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
-       if (g_oper_mode == SET_CFG) {
-               /* Message Length */
-               u16MsgLen = MAC_ADDR_LEN;
-               /* Length */
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)u16MsgLen;
-               /* Value */
-               extract_mac_addr(pu8val, pcPacket + s32PktLen);
-               s32PktLen += u16MsgLen;
-       }
-       *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Function Name : ProcessBinWid                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Description   : This function processes a WID of type WID_BIN_DATA and     
-/*                  updates the cfg packet with the supplied value.          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Inputs        : 1) Pointer to WID cfg structure                          */
-/*                  2) Name of file containing the binary data in text mode  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Globals       :                                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Processing    : The binary data is expected to be supplied through a     */
-/*                  file in text mode. This file is expected to be in the    */
-/*                  finject format. It is parsed, converted to binary format */
-/*                  and copied into g_cfg_pkt for further processing. This   */
-/*                  is obviously a round-about way of processing involving   */
-/*                  multiple (re)conversions between bin & ascii formats.    */
-/*                  But it is done nevertheless to retain uniformity and for */
-/*                  ease of debugging.                                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Returns       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Issues        : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Revision History:                                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
-/*         08 01 2008   Ittiam          Draft                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-void ProcessBinWid(char *pcPacket, s32 *ps32PktLen,
-                  tstrWID *pstrWID, u8 *pu8val, s32 s32ValueSize)
-       u16 u16MsgLen = 0;
-       u16 idx    = 0;
-       s32 s32PktLen = *ps32PktLen;
-       u8 u8checksum = 0;
-       if (pstrWID == NULL) {
-               PRINT_WRN(CORECONFIG_DBG, "Can't set BIN val, NULL 
-               return;
-       }
-       /* WID */
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(pstrWID->u16WIDid & 0xFF);
-       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((pstrWID->u16WIDid >> 8) & 0xFF);
-       if (g_oper_mode == SET_CFG) {
-               /* Message Length */
-               u16MsgLen = (u16)s32ValueSize;
-               /* Length */
-               /* pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)u16MsgLen; */
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)(u16MsgLen  & 0xFF);
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = (u8)((u16MsgLen >> 8) & 0xFF);
-               /* Value */
-               for (idx = 0; idx < u16MsgLen; idx++)
-                       pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = pu8val[idx];
-               /* checksum */
-               for (idx = 0; idx < u16MsgLen; idx++)
-                       u8checksum += pcPacket[MSG_HEADER_LEN + idx + 4];
-               pcPacket[s32PktLen++] = u8checksum;
-       }
-       *ps32PktLen = s32PktLen;
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Function Name : further_process_response                                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Description   : This function parses the response frame got from the     */
-/*                  device.                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Inputs        : 1) The received response frame                           */
-/*                  2) WID                                                   */
-/*                  3) WID Length                                            */
-/*                  4) Output file handle                                    */
-/*                  5) Process Wid Number(i.e wid from --widn switch)        */
-/*                  6) Index the array in the Global Wid Structure.          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Globals       : g_wid_num, gastrWIDs                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Processing    : This function parses the response of the device depending*/
-/*                  WID type and writes it to the output file in Hex or      */
-/*                  decimal notation depending on the --getx or --get switch.*/
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Returns       : 0 on Success & -2 on Failure                             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Issues        : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Revision History:                                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
-/*         08 01 2009   Ittiam          Draft                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-s32 further_process_response(u8 *resp,
-                                    u16 u16WIDid,
-                                    u16 cfg_len,
-                                    bool process_wid_num,
-                                    u32 cnt,
-                                    tstrWID *pstrWIDresult)
-       u32 retval = 0;
-       u32 idx = 0;
-       u8 cfg_chr  = 0;
-       u16 cfg_sht  = 0;
-       u32 cfg_int  = 0;
-       u8 cfg_str[256] = {0};
-       tenuWIDtype enuWIDtype = WID_UNDEF;
-       if (process_wid_num)
-               enuWIDtype = get_wid_type(g_wid_num);
-       else
-               enuWIDtype = gastrWIDs[cnt].enuWIDtype;
-       switch (enuWIDtype) {
-       case WID_CHAR:
-               cfg_chr = resp[idx];
-               /*Set local copy of WID*/
-               *(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal) = cfg_chr;
-               break;
-       case WID_SHORT:
-       {
-               u16 *pu16val = (u16 *)(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal);
-               cfg_sht = MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx], resp[idx + 1]);
-               /*Set local copy of WID*/
-               /* pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal = (s8*)(s32)cfg_sht; */
-               *pu16val = cfg_sht;
-               break;
-       }
-       case WID_INT:
-       {
-               u32 *pu32val = (u32 *)(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal);
-               cfg_int = MAKE_WORD32(
-                               MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx], resp[idx + 1]),
-                               MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx + 2], resp[idx + 3])
-                               );
-               /*Set local copy of WID*/
-               /* pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal = (s8*)cfg_int; */
-               *pu32val = cfg_int;
-               break;
-       }
-       case WID_STR:
-               memcpy(cfg_str, resp + idx, cfg_len);
-               /* cfg_str[cfg_len] = '\0'; //mostafa: no need currently for 
NULL termination */
-               if (pstrWIDresult->s32ValueSize >= cfg_len) {
-                       memcpy(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal, cfg_str, cfg_len); /* 
mostafa: no need currently for the extra NULL byte */
-                       pstrWIDresult->s32ValueSize = cfg_len;
-               } else {
-                       PRINT_ER("allocated WID buffer length is smaller than 
the received WID Length\n");
-                       retval = -2;
-               }
-               break;
-       case WID_ADR:
-               create_mac_addr(cfg_str, resp + idx);
-               strncpy(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal, cfg_str, strlen(cfg_str));
-               pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal[strlen(cfg_str)] = '\0';
-               break;
-       case WID_IP:
-               cfg_int = MAKE_WORD32(
-                               MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx], resp[idx + 1]),
-                               MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx + 2], resp[idx + 3])
-                               );
-               conv_int_to_ip(cfg_str, cfg_int);
-               break;
-       case WID_BIN_DATA:
-               if (pstrWIDresult->s32ValueSize >= cfg_len) {
-                       memcpy(pstrWIDresult->ps8WidVal, resp + idx, cfg_len);
-                       pstrWIDresult->s32ValueSize = cfg_len;
-               } else {
-                       PRINT_ER("Allocated WID buffer length is smaller than 
the received WID Length Err(%d)\n", retval);
-                       retval = -2;
-               }
-               break;
-       default:
-               PRINT_ER("ERROR: Check config database: Error(%d)\n", retval);
-               retval = -2;
-               break;
-       }
-       return retval;
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Function Name : ParseResponse                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Description   : This function parses the command-line options and        */
-/*                  creates the config packets which can be sent to the WLAN */
-/*                  station.                                                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Inputs        : 1) The received response frame                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Globals       : g_opt_list, gastrWIDs                                      
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Processing    : This function parses the options and creates different   */
-/*                  types of packets depending upon the WID-type             */
-/*                  corresponding to the option.                             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Returns       : 0 on Success & -1 on Failure                             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Issues        : None                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  Revision History:                                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
-/*         08 01 2008   Ittiam          Draft                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-s32 ParseResponse(u8 *resp, tstrWID *pstrWIDcfgResult)
-       u16 u16RespLen = 0;
-       u16 u16WIDid  = 0;
-       u16 cfg_len  = 0;
-       tenuWIDtype enuWIDtype = WID_UNDEF;
-       bool num_wid_processed = false;
-       u32 cnt = 0;
-       u32 idx = 0;
-       u32 ResCnt = 0;
-       /* Check whether the received frame is a valid response */
-       if (RESP_MSG_TYPE != resp[0]) {
-               PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG, "Received Message format 
-               return -1;
-       }
-       /* Extract Response Length */
-       u16RespLen = MAKE_WORD16(resp[2], resp[3]);
-       Res_Len = u16RespLen;
-       for (idx = MSG_HEADER_LEN; idx < u16RespLen; ) {
-               u16WIDid = MAKE_WORD16(resp[idx], resp[idx + 1]);
-               cfg_len = resp[idx + 2];
-               /* Incase of Bin Type Wid, the length is given by two byte 
field      */
-               enuWIDtype = get_wid_type(u16WIDid);
-               if (WID_BIN_DATA == enuWIDtype) {
-                       cfg_len |= ((u16)resp[idx + 3] << 8) & 0xFF00;
-                       idx++;
-               }
-               idx += 3;
-               if ((u16WIDid == g_wid_num) && (!num_wid_processed)) {
-                       num_wid_processed = true;
-                       if (-2 == further_process_response(&resp[idx], 
u16WIDid, cfg_len, true, 0, &pstrWIDcfgResult[ResCnt])) {
-                               return -2;
-                       }
-                       ResCnt++;
-               } else {
-                       for (cnt = 0; cnt < g_num_total_switches; cnt++) {
-                               if (gastrWIDs[cnt].u16WIDid == u16WIDid) {
-                                       if (-2 == 
further_process_response(&resp[idx], u16WIDid, cfg_len, false, cnt,
&pstrWIDcfgResult[ResCnt])) {
-                                               return -2;
-                                       }
-                                       ResCnt++;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               idx += cfg_len;
-               /* In case if BIN type Wid, The last byte of the Cfg packet is 
the    */
-               /* Checksum. The WID Length field does not accounts for the 
checksum. */
-               /* The Checksum is discarded.                                   
-               if (WID_BIN_DATA == enuWIDtype) {
-                       idx++;
-               }
-       }
-       return 0;
- *  @brief              parses the write response [just detects its status: 
success or failure]
- *  @details
- *  @param[in]  pu8RespBuffer The Response to be parsed
- *  @return     Error code indicating Write Operation status:
- *                            WRITE_RESP_SUCCESS (1) => Write Success.
- *                            WILC_FAIL (-100)               => Write Failure.
- *  @note
- *  @author            Ittiam
- *  @date              11 Aug 2009
- *  @version   1.0
- */
-s32 ParseWriteResponse(u8 *pu8RespBuffer)
-       s32 s32Error = WILC_FAIL;
-       u16 u16WIDtype = (u16)WID_NIL;
-       /* Check whether the received frame is a valid response */
-       if (RESP_MSG_TYPE != pu8RespBuffer[0]) {
-               PRINT_ER("Received Message format incorrect.\n");
-               return WILC_FAIL;
-       }
-       u16WIDtype = MAKE_WORD16(pu8RespBuffer[4], pu8RespBuffer[5]);
-       /* Check for WID_STATUS ID and then check the length and status value */
-       if ((u16WIDtype == WID_STATUS) &&
-           (pu8RespBuffer[6] == 1) &&
-           (pu8RespBuffer[7] == WRITE_RESP_SUCCESS)) {
-               s32Error = WRITE_RESP_SUCCESS;
-               return s32Error;
-       }
-       /* If the length or status are not as expected return failure    */
-       s32Error = WILC_FAIL;
-       return s32Error;
- *  @brief                      creates the header of the Configuration Packet
- *  @details
- *  @param[in,out] pcpacket The Configuration Packet
- *  @param[in,out] ps32PacketLength Length of the Configuration Packet
- *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
- *  @note
- *  @author            aismail
- *  @date              18 Feb 2012
- *  @version           1.0
- */
-s32 CreatePacketHeader(char *pcpacket, s32 *ps32PacketLength)
-       s32 s32Error = WILC_SUCCESS;
-       u16 u16MsgLen = (u16)(*ps32PacketLength);
-       u16 u16MsgInd = 0;
-       /* The format of the message is:                                        
-       /* 
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
-       /* | Message Type | Message ID |  Message Length |Message body         
| */
-       /* 
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
-       /* |     1 Byte   |   1 Byte   |     2 Bytes     | Message Length - 4  
| */
-       /* 
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
-       /* The format of a message body of a message type 'W' is:               
-       /* 
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
-       /* | WID0      | WID0 Length | WID0 Value  | ......................... 
| */
-       /* 
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
-       /* | 2 Bytes   | 1 Byte      | WID0 Length | ......................... 
| */
-       /* 
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
-       /* Message Type */
-       if (g_oper_mode == SET_CFG)
-               pcpacket[u16MsgInd++] = WRITE_MSG_TYPE;
-       else
-               pcpacket[u16MsgInd++] = QUERY_MSG_TYPE;
-       /* Sequence Number */
-       pcpacket[u16MsgInd++] = g_seqno++;
-       /* Message Length */
-       pcpacket[u16MsgInd++] = (u8)(u16MsgLen & 0xFF);
-       pcpacket[u16MsgInd++] = (u8)((u16MsgLen >> 8) & 0xFF);
-       *ps32PacketLength = u16MsgLen;
-       return s32Error;
- *  @brief              creates Configuration packet based on the Input WIDs
- *  @details
- *  @param[in]  pstrWIDs WIDs to be sent in the configuration packet
- *  @param[in]  u32WIDsCount number of WIDs to be sent in the configuration 
- *  @param[out]         ps8packet The created Configuration Packet
- *  @param[out]         ps32PacketLength Length of the created Configuration 
- *  @return     Error code indicating success/failure
- *  @note
- *  @author
- *  @date              1 Mar 2012
- *  @version   1.0
- */
-s32 CreateConfigPacket(s8 *ps8packet, s32 *ps32PacketLength,
-                              tstrWID *pstrWIDs, u32 u32WIDsCount)
-       s32 s32Error = WILC_SUCCESS;
-       u32 u32idx = 0;
-       *ps32PacketLength = MSG_HEADER_LEN;
-       for (u32idx = 0; u32idx < u32WIDsCount; u32idx++) {
-               switch (pstrWIDs[u32idx].enuWIDtype) {
-               case WID_CHAR:
-                       ProcessCharWid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, 
-                                      pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal);
-                       break;
-               case WID_SHORT:
-                       ProcessShortWid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, 
-                                       pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal);
-                       break;
-               case WID_INT:
-                       ProcessIntWid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, 
-                                     pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal);
-                       break;
-               case WID_STR:
-                       ProcessStrWid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, 
-                                     pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal, 
-                       break;
-               case WID_IP:
-                       ProcessIPwid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, 
-                                    pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal);
-                       break;
-               case WID_BIN_DATA:
-                       ProcessBinWid(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength, 
-                                     pstrWIDs[u32idx].ps8WidVal, 
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       PRINT_ER("ERROR: Check Config database\n");
-               }
-       }
-       CreatePacketHeader(ps8packet, ps32PacketLength);
-       return s32Error;
-s32 ConfigWaitResponse(char *pcRespBuffer, s32 s32MaxRespBuffLen, s32 
-                              bool bRespRequired)
-       s32 s32Error = WILC_SUCCESS;
-       /*bug 3878*/
-       /*removed to caller function*/
-       /*gstrConfigPktInfo.pcRespBuffer = pcRespBuffer;
-        * gstrConfigPktInfo.s32MaxRespBuffLen = s32MaxRespBuffLen;
-        * gstrConfigPktInfo.bRespRequired = bRespRequired;*/
-       if (gstrConfigPktInfo.bRespRequired) {
-               down(&SemHandlePktResp);
-               *ps32BytesRead = gstrConfigPktInfo.s32BytesRead;
-       }
-       memset((void *)(&gstrConfigPktInfo), 0, sizeof(tstrConfigPktInfo));
-       return s32Error;
-s32 ConfigProvideResponse(char *pcRespBuffer, s32 s32RespLen)
-       s32 s32Error = WILC_SUCCESS;
-       if (gstrConfigPktInfo.bRespRequired) {
-               if (s32RespLen <= gstrConfigPktInfo.s32MaxRespBuffLen) {
-                       memcpy(gstrConfigPktInfo.pcRespBuffer, pcRespBuffer, 
-                       gstrConfigPktInfo.s32BytesRead = s32RespLen;
-               } else {
-                       memcpy(gstrConfigPktInfo.pcRespBuffer, pcRespBuffer, 
-                       gstrConfigPktInfo.s32BytesRead = 
-                       PRINT_ER("BusProvideResponse() Response greater than 
the prepared Buffer Size\n");
-               }
-               up(&SemHandlePktResp);
-       }
-       return s32Error;
- *  @brief              writes the received packet pu8RxPacket in the global 
Rx FIFO buffer
- *  @details
- *  @param[in]  pu8RxPacket The received packet
- *  @param[in]  s32RxPacketLen Length of the received packet
- *  @return     Error code indicating success/failure
- *  @note
- *
- *  @author    mabubakr
- *  @date              1 Mar 2012
- *  @version   1.0
- */
-s32 ConfigPktReceived(u8 *pu8RxPacket, s32 s32RxPacketLen)
-       s32 s32Error = WILC_SUCCESS;
-       u8 u8MsgType = 0;
-       u8MsgType = pu8RxPacket[0];
-       switch (u8MsgType) {
-       case 'R':
-               ConfigProvideResponse(pu8RxPacket, s32RxPacketLen);
-               break;
-       case 'N':
-               PRINT_INFO(CORECONFIG_DBG, "NetworkInfo packet received\n");
-               NetworkInfoReceived(pu8RxPacket, s32RxPacketLen);
-               break;
-       case 'I':
-               GnrlAsyncInfoReceived(pu8RxPacket, s32RxPacketLen);
-               break;
-       case 'S':
-               host_int_ScanCompleteReceived(pu8RxPacket, s32RxPacketLen);
-               break;
-       default:
-               PRINT_ER("ConfigPktReceived(): invalid received msg type at the 
Core Configurator\n");
-               break;
-       }
-       return s32Error;
  *  @brief              Deinitializes the Core Configurator
  *  @details

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