On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 03:48:37PM -0400, Geoff Lansberry wrote:

Hi Geoff.

> The current version of the trf7970a driver is missing support for several 
> features that we needed to operate a custom board. 
> We feel that these features will be useful to others as well, and we want to 
> share them.
> 1: Support for using a gpio as Slave-Select. Our processor has several 
> devices on the spi bus, and we ran out of ss lines.  This patch gives 
> TRF7970A the ability to
>  drive the ss line of the chip from a gpio that is defined in the device tree.
> 2. When reviewing problems we were having in our implementation with TI 
> support staff, they recommended that during initialization, address 0x18 
> should be written to zero.  This patch adds that change
> 3. This existing version of the driver assumes that the crystal driving the 
> trf7970a is 13.56 MHz, because there are several places in the driver code 
> where the rel
> ated register is re-written, there is clean way to change to 27.12 MHz.  This 
> patch adds a device tree option for 27 MHz and properly or's in changes in 
> locations w
> here the register is changed.
> 4. the existing version of the driver assumes that 3.3 volt io is used. The 
> trf7970a has a special register where you can configure it for 1.8 volt io.  
> This patch
> adds a device tree option to select that this setting should be made.
>  [PATCH 1/4] NFC: trf7970a: Add support for gpio as SS
>  [PATCH 2/4] NFC: trf7970a: add TI recommended write of zero to
>  [PATCH 3/4] NFC: trf7970a: add device tree option for 27MHz clock
>  [PATCH 4/4] NFC: trf7970a: Add device tree option of 1.8 Volt IO

I'm on vacation this week but will be back next week.  I'll take a
look once I'm back.

In the meantime, for emails sent to public (techie) list always keep
the lines less than 80 characters and always bottom-post (i.e., put
your text *underneath* the text that you are responding to).  Also,
when you change one or more patches in a series, re-submit the entire
series with the version number incremented (.e.g., v2, v3, ...) even
when you change only one of them.  It is a easier for others to know
what the latest versions are that way.


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