On 9-5-2016 23:18, Arend Van Spriel wrote:
> On 9-5-2016 18:59, Barry Reinhold wrote:
>> Arend (and Hante),
>> I appreciate the feedback on the core problem - that brings the issue into a 
>> lot sharper focus. Based on your response I assume we should be able to see 
>> successful coexistence with Bluetooth and 802.11 STA mode, as well as STA 
>> and AP (with Bluetooth turned off). However, BT with AP mode should fail, 
>> and BT with AP and STA will fail.
>> I will rerun some of our crude tests to see if I can corroborate your 
>> understanding by testing the different "should coexist" and "should not 
>> coexist" cases. 
>> You have a very interesting lead in  statement in your response (bottom of 
>> message) but the sentence just ends with "because of...". Would you be 
>> willing to complete that thought, I would like to further understand the 
>> nature of the problem.
> These kind of references are why inline replies are preferrable. Anyway
> let me try and finish that sentence. An AP has to be able to sent a
> beacon on fixed times and subsequent traffic. As BT is master in most if

something dropped off again. It should say: ... and _handle_ subsequent

> not all bt-coex schemes that can easily screw up the beacon timing,
> which by the way is a reason for clients to disconnect.
>> Is there a known reason why the brcmfmac does not support the 
>> set_bitrate_mask() callback (such as the associated family of chips do not 
>> support rate limiting) or is this something that nobody has cared about to 
>> do date, ie, is it something that could be done if there was interest and 
>> resources?
> No specific reason.
> Regards,
> Arend
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Arend Van Spriel <arend.vanspr...@broadcom.com>
>> Sent: Monday, May 9, 2016 8:23
>> To: Barry Reinhold; linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org
>> Cc: Tom Harada; brcm80211-dev-list
>> Subject: Re: Limit rate of BCM34348 on Raspberry PI-3 via brcmfmac
>> On 7-5-2016 21:24, Barry Reinhold wrote:
>>> I have observed erratic behavior with http connectivity over the WiFi 
>>> interface of the Raspberry PI 3. This appears to be consistent with issues 
>>> that a number of other people have reported. I fear, but can not provide 
>>> definitive evidence, that these failures could be an RF design/layout issue 
>>> with the RP-3 itself.
>>> The purpose of this post is to see if this possible issue can be confirmed 
>>> by others, and to seek a possible work around by re configuring the 
>>> BCM43438 chip via the brcmfmac driver; or the other associated wifi modules.
>>> How the issue is being seen:
>>> Note: The testing I have done is limited and has the potential to be 
>>> misleading, so any input on improving the test process would be appreciated.
>>> There are two metrics we are using to define/see failure: (1) Loss/delay in 
>>> ICMP Echo requests/replys (pings),  and (2) The output of messages in 
>>> journalctl from the wpa_supplicant or hostapd (sudo journalctl -u 
>>> wpa_supplicant -u hostapd -f) indicating a disconnect event with associated 
>>> reason - typically 0 - (wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED 
>>> bssid=60:02:92:cd:c9:30 reason=0).
>>> Ping times vary from 1 to several hundred ms, to outright loss.
>>> There are also failures to reassociate (wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT 
>>> status_code=16).
>>> The test Environment is composed of:
>>> An official  Raspberry PI-3 model B with an official Raspberry PI-3 power 
>>> supply.
>>> Raspbian release: Jesse (March 18)
>>> Kernel 4.4.6
>>> wpa_supplicant 2.3
>>> brcmfmac (as reported by ethool)
>>> BCM43438 firmware: 01-cc44eda9c
>>> BlueZ 5.23
>>> We are running both wpa_supplicant and hostapd, (disabling hostapd does not 
>>> impact the results of the tests).
>>> We have an application that is monitoring for BTLE/Bluetooth connections so 
>>> it is scanning on a regular basis, as well as sending out Bluetooth INQUIRE 
>>> messages.
>>> WiFi Access Points:
>>> 1. Cisco DPC3939B (supports n)
>>> 2. Cisco Linksys E1200 (supports n)
>>> 3. Netgear WNDR3400 (supports n)
>>> 4. Linksys WAP54G v3 (does not support n)
>>> Test Process
>>> While the application is running (thus generating Bluetooth activity)
>>> 1. Connect a PC to the RPi3's software access point and ping the RPi3 
>>> continuously.
>>> 2. Connect the RPi3 to an AP from the set above.
>>> 3. Let the system run for 10 minutes while counting wpa_supplicant 
>>> disconnects and lost pings.
>>> Observations:
>>> In our testing we noticed that either we essentially got no errors, or we 
>>> got 12+ errors. Some error rates high enough that we couldn't count them as 
>>> they just scrolled off our screen. Hence we considered thing to work (less 
>>> then 2 errors) or failed (greater than 10 errors).
>>> The results table for the different APs is as follows:
>>> DPC3939B - Failed
>>> E1200 - Failed
>>> WNDR3400 - Failed
>>> WAP54G - Passed
>>> Since only the WAP54G passed (no n support), we modified the data rate on 
>>> the Netgear WND3400 and limited its data rate to 54 mbs, at this point the 
>>> WNDR3400 passed.
>>> We then tried changing channels. this did not impact the metrics we were 
>>> monitoring.
>>> Now being suspicious of RF issues on the board, we modified our application 
>>> which performs the Bluetooth communications so that Bluetooth was disabled. 
>>> This did not eliminate errors but dramatically reduced them. We then 
>>> modified our application to generate a lot of Bluetooth inquiry messages 
>>> and discovered that the generation and resulting response from INQUIRY 
>>> messages correlated with journalctl disconnection messages.
>>> We repeated this on the AP WAP54G and the rate limited WNDR3400 and did not 
>>> see problems.
>>> Our initial conjecture is that there is some coexistence/RF issue with the 
>>> RPI-3 board when using Bluetooth and WiFi that is impacting when operating 
>>> with a IEEE 802.11 N AP.
>>> Notes and steps taken:
>>> Background reading led us to try the following fixes that have worked for 
>>> others:
>>> 1. Disable power management
>>> 2. Set the Country Code to US
>>> These fixes did not help.
>>> I have two questions:
>>> 1. Are there some obvious things I can do to identify/validate the initial 
>>> conjecture as to the cause of the error?
>>> 2. Is there a way to force the RPI-3 when operating as a client of another 
>>> AP to rate limit or function as a "G" device?  If the RPI-3 or the BCM43438 
>>> do indeed have RF issues it would seem like some work around will be 
>>> needed. I could not identify a way to limit the data rate in brcmfmac.
>> Hi Barry,
>> What you are trying to do is simply not possible. Indeed the RF is such
>> that Wifi and BT share the same antenna, which is the root-cause of the
>> problems you see. When the antenna is used by BT the Wifi is
>> unavailable. This is handled by bt-coex, but that is designed
>> specifically for station mode. This is simply not possible when the Wifi
>> is operating in AP mode, because of
>> The reason why things get better/working when using g-rates is probably
>> because INQUIRE scan takes 14 x 1.25ms = 17.5 ms (thanks for the
>> calculation, Hante) and wifi frame retries at g-rate get past that.
>> cfg80211_ops have .set_bitrate_mask() callback, but brcmfmac does not
>> implement that.
>> Regards,
>> Arend
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