Good evening,

  I have a wireless router running LEDE Reboot (SNAPSHOT, r5445-04127f0fec), with kernel 4.9.65 and I'm seeing connections being dropped without any error in dmesg. To fix I have to restart wifi by issuing "wifi down; wifi up"

  It was previously running OpenWrt Barrier Breaker and was presenting the same issue, except it would give me an error similar to this one: "ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x005!"

  After doing some research it seems this error is related to environment interference and it was fixed in later kernel versions, the reason I gave LEDE a try. It makes sense, because this router worked wonderfully for at least a year before giving this issue.

  The reason I am sending this e-mail is to receive suggestions on how can I debug it properly, because, as pointed above, dmesg shows no errors.

  Flavio Silveira

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