Thanks for the additional information. My entire expectation of how linux-yocto metadata worked turns out to be wrong, but you've managed to clear it up for me.

What I really wanted from linux-yocto was a way to isolate documented kernel configuration fragments to share configuration data among a set of related BSPs, and keep particular features (such as OMAP ISP) out unless a particular build desired that feature. The linux-mainline approach of a monolithic defconfig with no comments explaining why particular Kconfig options are set is itself unmaintainable, especially when updating to new kernels where names change.

That linux-yocto is designed to support building kernels for multiple BSPs simultaneously from a shared metadata hierarchy is an architectural driver that was not clearly communicated. Perhaps because that need is completely irrelevant to my goals so I didn't notice it mentioned before. It also explains why I failed to communicate my discomfort with the way recipe-space metadata is handled differently from in-tree metadata.

For your case in-tree metadata (by which I mean scc and cfg files in particular) needs to be untouched because it's shared.

For me it has pieces that are wrong and that should be overridden in a distinct step so I can review in-place the metadata that the kernel tools are actually going to use to construct the config file. I thought SRC_URI provided a way for me to override those files prior to their being interpreted, rather like providing a default config file to be copied into the source tree. In fact linux-yocto is much more active than I expected when it unconditionally processes the scc files in SRC_URI during fetch, rather than only if they're referenced from the root BSP description.

At this point I need to go try to see how to do what I want to do within the current framework. Prior to this my attempts failed because I couldn't figure out what the tools were doing with my metadata; now I have more clues and may be able to make progress.

On 09/01/2013 12:30 AM, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
On 13-08-31 12:07 PM, Peter A. Bigot wrote:
Let's start by defining terms that I think don't exist or aren't used
consistently.  In what follows:

Some of what you may be missing is in the "kernel architecture" manuals,
which I wrote ages ago .. and which we subsequently moved to a harder
to find area of the Yocto site .. since they contained too much detailed
information that wasn't generally useful.

I think a pointer to this kernel architecture documentation belongs in the YPLKDM "Other Resources" section. I've added bug 5093 to address this for 1.5. In the meantime, perhaps you could provide a link here?

Thanks again.

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