#ident "@(#)863B0C2F    14.6    91/03/20"
# Fichier de config Tx17'' couleur

# Define name service first so we can use host names in this file
name-server-type = domain               # {default, domain, ien116}
name-servers =   # taloa et mimosa name servers
default-domain = unice.fr

# Boot Monitor parameters
boot-at-reset = yes                     # {default, [yes | no]}
                                        #  default is "yes"
boot-absolute-hexip = default           # {default, [yes | no]}
                                        #  default is "yes"
boot-absolute-memsize = default         # {default, [yes | no]}
                                        #  default is "yes"
boot-absolute-product = default         # {default, [yes | no]}
                                        #  default is "yes"
boot-broadcast-disable = default        # {default, [yes | no]}
                                        #  default is "no"
boot-relative-hexip = default           # {default, [yes | no]}
                                        #  default is "yes"
boot-relative-memsize = default         # {default, [yes | no]}
                                        #  default is "yes"
boot-relative-product = default         # {default, [yes | no]}
                                        #  default is "yes"
boot-try-forever = default              # {default, [yes | no]}
                                        #  default is "no"
boot-try-mop = default                  # {default, [yes | no]}
                                        #  default is "yes"

# Set boot related parameters
server-code = tcp-ip                    # {default, ncdnet, prom, tcp-ip}
determine-ip = from-nvram               # {default, from-network, from-nvram}
boot-server =

# Make sure we'll do remote configuration in the future
remote-config-enabled = yes             # {default, no, yes}
remote-config-access = tftp             # {default, ncdnet, nfs, tftp}
remote-config-server =     # {default, <host>}
                                        #  default is the boot server

# Set IP basics
subnet-mask = 0xffff0000                # {<hex-constant>}
broadcast-address =
ip-routing-method = default-gateway     # {default, default-gateway, proxy-arp}
default-gateway =
hostname = menhir.unice.fr              # let the server figure it out
tftp-max-retries = 3                    # {default, <number>}
tftp-timeout = 60                       # {default, <seconds>}
tftp-filename-format = unix             # {[unix | vms]}
                                        #  default is "unix".

# Set to use XDM
virtual-terminal-at-reset = xdm         # {default, cterm, dw-login,
                                        # lat-manager, local-serial, serial,
                                        # telnet, xdm, none}
xdm-access = direct                     # {broadcast, direct, indirect}
xdm-death-timeout = 30                  # {<integer>}
xdm-detect-death = off                  # {default, off, on}
xdm-fail-action = persist               # {default, persist, stop}
xdm-hibernation-time = 3                # {<integer>}
xdm-server =               # {default, <host>}
xdm-wait-for-last-client = default      # {default, on, off}

# NFS parameters
nfs-gid = -2                            # {<integer>}
nfs-uid = -2                            # {<integer>}
nfs-file-systems =
        hibiscus.unice.fr:/usr/lib/X11/ncd      /usr/lib/X11/ncd (
                                        mount-retries = 10
                                        nfs-errors = soft
                                        read-cache = on
                                        read-size = 8192
                                        retransmissions = 3
                                        retry-mounting-in = background
                                        timeout = 7
                                        write-size = 8192

# Font related parameters
font-access = nfs                       # {default, ncdnet, nfs, tftp}
font-servers = # {<host> -}
font-path = /usr/lib/X11/ncd/fonts/100dpi, /usr/lib/X11/ncd/fonts/75dpi, 
/usr/lib/X11/ncd/fonts/Xol, /usr/lib/X11/ncd/fonts/dw100dpi, 
/usr/lib/X11/ncd/fonts/dw75dpi, /usr/lib/X11/ncd/fonts/misc, 
/usr/lib/X11/ncd/fonts/oldx11        # {<font path>, default}
font-diagnostics = default              # {default, no, yes}
font-cache-size = default               # {default, <bytes>}
rgb-file = /usr/lib/X11/ncd/rgb.txt     # {<file name>, default}

# Access control
xhosts = hibiscus mimosa
tcp-ip-access-control = off             # {off, on}
ncdnet-access-control = off             # {default, off, on}
seriald-hosts = hibiscus                # {default, <list of hosts>}
                                        #  default is null string.
seriald-access-control = off            # {default, [on | off]}
                                        #  default is "off".

# Diagnostic control
diagnostics-log-file = default          # {default, <file name>}
diagnostics-logging = default           # {default, no, yes}
disable-error-popup = default           # {default, no, yes}
low-memory-level = default              # {default, <integer>}

# Miscellaneous parameters
overscan = white
screen-saver = on                       # {default, off, on}
backing-store = by-request
arc-cache-size = default                # {default, <size>}
                                        #  default is 512K.
retain-x-settings = yes
permit-old-x-bugs = yes                 # {default, no, yes}

keyboard-type = n-101                   # {<keyboard type>}
led-1 = network-activity                # {default, caps-lock, num-lock,
                                        #  warning, network-activity, x-led-1}
led-2 = caps-lock                       # {default, caps-lock, num-lock,
                                        #  warning, network-activity, x-led-2}
led-3 = num-lock                        # {default, caps-lock, num-lock,
                                        #  warning, network-activity, x-led-3}
# led-4 exists only on some DEC-compatable keyboards
led-4 = default                         # {default, caps-lock, num-lock,
                                        #  warning, network-activity, x-led-4}

# Serial port parameters
use-serial-port-1 = network-interface   # {debug, default, network-interface,
                                        # {printer-daemon, terminal}
baud-1 = 38400                          # {50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300,
                                        # 600, 1050, 1200, 1800, 2000, 2400,
                                        # 4800, 7200, 9600, 19200, 38400,
                                        # default}
data-bits-1 = 8                         # {default, 7, 8}
stop-bits-1 = 1                         # {default, 1, 2}
parity-1 = none                         # {default, even, mark, none, odd,
                                        # space}
handshake-1 = none                      # {default, dtr-dsr, none, rts-cts,
                                        # xon/xoff}
hangup-method = none                    # {none, use-break, use-dtr}

# Setup menu access control
setup-enabled-menus = all-menus         # {default, all-menus, only-user-menus,
                                        # only-diagnostic-menus}
setup-last-menu-key = default           # {default, setup, shift-setup,
                                        # ctrl-setup, alt-setup,
                                        # shift-alt-setup, nothing}
setup-main-menu-key = default           # {default, setup, shift-setup,
                                        # ctrl-setup, alt-setup,
                                        # shift-alt-setup, nothing}

# local client parameters
answer-back-message = xtra-mile
                                        # {default, <character string>}
                                        #  default is null string.
function-key-mapping = default          # {default, [vms | ultrix]}
                                        #  default value is "ultrix".
initial-x-resources = ()                # {<character string>}

# Write these values into NVRAM
write-to-nvram  = yes                   # {default, no, yes}

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