Bon, je m'étais inscrit pour voter.

Je sollicite un avis, s'il en est parmi vous de bien informés.
Pour qui ne faut-il SURTOUT PAS voter?

> To At Large Members, European region:
> (25 September 2000) Hi!  This email is an update on the status of the
> ICANN At Large membership process, and a reminder to get informed about
> the nominees prior to the October 1-10 voting period.
>    o The Nominees
> The European nominees are listed at
> <>.  Each nominee has a web page
> -- ICANN encourages At Large members to review these pages carefully
> before voting.
>      - Alf Hansen
>           <>
>      - Andy Mueller-Maguhn
>           <>
>      - Jeanette Hofmann
>           <>
>      - Maria Livanos Cattaui
>           <>
>      - Oliver Popov
>           <>
>      - Olivier Muron
>           <>
>      - Winfried Schueller
>           <>
Michel Aconin, Saint Laurent du Var, Candide à Linux Azur.

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