On Sun, 1 Dec 2002 19:22:28 +0100, Fabien Germain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote to linux06@linuxfr.org:

> S'il y a des fautes de langue... Corrigez vous même ! ;-)

Etant originaire du côté nord de la Manche je peux peut être apporter
quelques petites corrections dont tous pourront se servir...

> Dear Sir,
> I am contacting you because I wanted to know if you are planning to
> release a Linux driver for the StyleCam Blink. Indeed, more and more
> customers are using alternative operating systems such as Linux, FreeBSD,
> MacOS X,... It's a shame that only Microsoft Windows is supported.
> What is the current position of SiPix with regard to Linux support? Could
> you please tell me if and when the Linux driver or SDK is to be released?
> Thanks in advance for your answer.
> <signature>

G. Stewart   --   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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I have come to realize that it bears a very close
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