Pour compléter les corrections de Yann, je suggère de
supprimer les occurences de "you" et ne mettre que des
phrases à la 3ème personne ("so you can help your


> > JM2L Saturday, May, 6th, 2006
> > 
> > Jm2l (Journées Méditerranéennes des Logiciels
> Libres) i.e. the
> > Mediterranean Day of Open Source
> Open Source Software Mediterranean Day
> > Sophia Antipolis [France]
> > 
> > First edition of Journée Méditerranéennes des
> Logiciels Libres,
> The first edition of Journée Méditerranéennes des
> Logiciels Libres,
> > organised by Linux-Azur LUG, will take place at:
> > 
> > École Polytech'Nice-Sophia
> > 
> > 930, Route des Colles - 06903 Sophia Antipolis
> Cedex
> > 
> > Special scene of exchange of views, this day will
> make meet
> > local/publics authorities, companies, SS2L,
> associations, students 
> > and people, in order to let them share their
> knowledge and to launch 
> > new Open Source solutions projects.
> This day is an opportunity for all interested
> parties to get together (general
> public, local/public authorities, companies,
> societies, students) to share
> their knowledge and learn from each other.
> (tu penses vraiment lancer des projets ?)
> > 2 kinds of conferences are proposed: please
> subscribe ! And, please 
> > be kind to invite your friends and relationship.
> > 
> >     * general public: big amphitheatre
>      * general public: main amphitheatre
> >     * technical: video / DSL room
>      * technical: video / DSL rooms
> > Professionals, institutionnal, impassionned,
> expert or new users are
> > very welcome to share this day of conferences,
> debates, workshops and
> > informal meetings, in a friendly atmosphere,
> around a phylosophy 
> > based on freedom and mutual aid.
> Professionals, institutional, impassioned, experts
> or new users are most
> welcome to share this day of conferences, debates,
> workshops and informal
> meetings, in a friendly environment, in the famous
> Open Source spirit: freedom
> and mutual aid.
> > Open Source is in full expansion all around the
> world, among others
> > because it respects 4 fundamental freedoms that
> allows to:
> Open Source is in full expansion all around the
> world, among others things
> because it respects the 4 fundamental freedoms that
> allow to:
> >     * to execute without any restriction
> >     * to study its way of work
> >     * to modify to adpat it to our needs
> >     * to redistribute it, modify or not.
>     * The freedom to run the program, for any
> purpose (freedom 0).
>     * The freedom to study how the program works,
> and adapt it to your needs
> (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a
> precondition for this.
>     * The freedom to redistribute copies so you can
> help your neighbor
> (freedom 2).
>     * The freedom to improve the program, and
> release your improvements to the
> public, so that the whole community benefits
> (freedom 3). Access to the source
> code is a precondition for this.
> (tant qu'a faire : copie / colle de gnu.org). On
> peut raccourcir un peu en
> virant les Access ...
> > Free softawres, such as following:
> Free softwares, such as these:
> >     * Operating systems GNU/Linux ou BSD, Kaella;
> >     * SGBD PostgreSQL, Firebird;
> >     * Browser Firefox, mail with Thunderbird,
> calendar Sunbird;
> >     * Mind Mapping Kdissert;
> >     * Graphic tools for images Gimp, and so on.
> > 
> > are softs conceived thanks to a collaborative
> worldwide team 
> > composed of thousands people, most often on a
> voluntary basis.
> are designed and coded by thousands of people all
> around the world, either on
> a voluntary basis or as full-time developers in
> private companies.
> > A lot of contributors are not developers but
> translators, graphists,
> > scriptwriters, teatchers, and so on.
> Many contributors are not developers but
> translators, graphic designers,
> scriptwriters, teachers, and so on.
> > Anybody is free to contribute !
> Everyone is most welcome to contribute!
> > All details available on JM2L
> http://jm2l.polytech.unice.fr/ and on our
> > Wiki
> http://linux-azur.org/wiki/wakka.php?wiki=ConfTech
> > 
> > ==========================================
> > 
> > Merci d'avance !
> > 
> > -- 
> > vero (°) Présidente du LUG Linux-Azur (°)
> http://www.linux-azur.org
> > Linux is user friendly. He's just very picky about
> who his friends are.
> > 
> > Linux-Azur :      http://www.linux-azur.org
> > Désinscriptions:
> http://www.linux-azur.org/liste.php3
> > **** Pas de message au format HTML, SVP ****
> -- 
> Yann Cochard : http://yanncochard.com/
> Au Cactus Francophone : http://www.cactuspro.com/
> Kaella, Knoppix Linux Azur :
> http://kaella.linux-azur.org/
> Linux-Azur :      http://www.linux-azur.org
> Désinscriptions:
> http://www.linux-azur.org/liste.php3
> **** Pas de message au format HTML, SVP ****

/* Thomas Nagy */


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Linux-Azur :      http://www.linux-azur.org
Désinscriptions: http://www.linux-azur.org/liste.php3
**** Pas de message au format HTML, SVP ****

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