Hi to all,

 as far as you know eeepc you will realize Xandros has a boot time,
from shut-down state to browsing into gmail, of about 30 seconds long.
As far as you know eeepc you will realize Xandros cannot be upgraded
or merged with others deb package without some sort of pain.
Substituing Xandros would costs at least a 100 seconds longer boot
time. Upgrading it to a more standard debian?

 Using debian repository and apt-get it could be possible convert
Xandros base package pool into debian more standard. However eee pc
has 2 partitions: one ro contains the original xandros and the other
rw merged by unionfs with the first contains user home, data and
upgrades. Upgrading Xandros with debian should fill the rw partition.

 In there out of there some kind of script or bootable media designed
for eeepc in order to convert it in a debian device maintaining the
best of both?

 Happy hacking,

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