Hi John and Robert
There might be time for a Github vs Gitlab chat. Several notable projects went 
to Gitlab, possibly due to a long standing antipathy to Microsoft. I am at 
Github myself.

On October 29, 2019 10:07:57 AM EDT, J C Nash <profjcn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I suspect Scott will get this via the list, but just in case ...
>Probably worth a little coordination so we have a smooth meeting.
>Thanks, JN
>On 2019-10-29 10:06 a.m., Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>> On Tue, 29 Oct 2019, J C Nash wrote:
>>> A discussion of using git (in particular on github) is one of the
>>> items for next week's meeting. I suggested it after realizing that I
>>> didn't manage a change properly with an R package I'm developing
>>> with a colleague I've never met but have been sharing development
>>> with for the last couple of years.
>>> Your input would be most welcome.
>>   well, if there's an open speaking slot, i can present what i was
>> thinking of as a 35-40 minute "brown bag" lunchtime seminar. it's a
>> little bit techie -- it explains the structure of Git's object store
>> and how Git actually stores history using a combination of blobs,
>> trees, commits and tags.
>>   if people are interested, i can give that one.
>> rday
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Sorry for being brief. Alternate email is rickleir at yahoo dot com 

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