This is a reminder email about the AGM and Meeting tomorrow evening

The previous email had May 8th in the subject. It is May 7, just in case you 
are having issues tracking days under the current social distancing and group 

Also, in case you need reminders for the IRC meeting location:

Secure IRC:  ircs://
Regular IRC: irc://
Browser URL: Pick a nickname and join #oclug

When: Thursday, May 7, 2020
Time: 19:00
Where: irc://

The AGM v2.0

Given the commentary on the list and lack of turnout for the AGM in April, we 
are going with IRC for May.

To at least pay lip service to the AGM requirements, we need 25 people who are 
online to direct message our secretary with their email address either before 
or during during the AGM.

If that doesn’t work, we will try something else in June.

So rather than spend time writing things out at the AGM, we have the same 
people willing to be in the board. If  someone else wants to be on the board, 
feel free to self-nominate prior to the AGM, or at the beginning of the AGM. 
There will be an opportunity to do so.

A single item for voting on at the AGM:

1) Reduce the size of the quorum for an election. Given how much begging we 
have had to do in the past to get the 25 names, I want to reduce it to 10. If 
we can’t get 10 people to attend the next AGM in person, then we have little 
reason to continue as a registered non-profit corp. That is a potential 
discussion item for the future. We consistently get 10+ people at physical 
meetings but not always 15. That makes 10 a reasonable number to manage.

After the AGM, we will have a “normal” meeting. Given the uncertain state of 
future meetings, I am thinking that we will end up on an open source platform 
for meetings for quite some time yet. We are going to use jitsi this month for 
the talk portion. In order to make it easy for the presenter, the service will 
be moderated. The info will be given on the IRC channel after the AGM.

How we will manage this herd of cats...

Your output video and audio will be disabled when you join. In order to make 
sure the experience is a reasonable one for all involved, the presenter will 
share their screen/window/whatever they are comfortable with and you will see 
it quite clearly if the test we did are any indicator. Since we do not know how 
many will be viewing, it will be a little hard to manage questions, so if you 
have them, feel free to ask them in the chat window. Since the person doing the 
presentation will not be reading the chat window, the moderator will read the 
questions out.

This should keep it manageable. After the representation is finished, I’ll stop 
muting all but the presenter. We can even try enabling video to see how 
good/bad it is. There will only be the one talk this month, as we don’t know 
how well it will go.

This format is subject to evolution, as I expect that video conference software 
will undergo some rapid improvement over the next few months given the demand 
currently out there. Not that I’m recommending them, but I saw a note that Zoom 
is currently processing just shy of 280PiB of data/month. I have no idea what 
services like Netflix and Disney+ are processing, but the demands have gone up 

In June, we may give big blue button a try. That take a little more effort to 
install than jitsi, so I went with the easier of the two for the first attempt.

Assuming the video meeting goes well, we will return to our normal schedule of 
the first Thursday of the month @ 19:00, conference to be open earlier than 
that for Q&A, ending by 21:30. Some of us may have to be up early.


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