On Fri, 2 Apr 2021 15:45:26 -0400
Scott Murphy <scott.mur...@arrow-eye.com> wrote:

> The club name with mixed case followed by the date of the meeting in
> year, month and day format. Yesterday we used LinuxOttawa20210401,
> next month we will use LinuxOttawa20210506. I don't think that is
> particularly difficult to follow,

That's fine, but why not post the above paragraph ^^^ in the meeting
announcements?  That way we don't need to go looking around in the archives.
New members, or members who attend only occasionally, would appreciate this.

> Since the video conference server is only used for a couple of hours
> a month and the existing VPS probably will not be able to host it due
> to resource limitations, I use a short-lived VM from a hosting
> provider.

Oh really?  I have a tiny server from Luna Node (1GB RAM and a pretty
underpowered virtual-CPU) and have successfully hosted Jitsi meetings with
7 or 8 participants.  It's horrifically expensive at USD $3.50 per
month, though.



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