Hi Dianne,
IIRC, the Linux OS and libraries have never used a restrictive licence that 
stops you from using proprietary software with them.

Now if reMarkable were trying to claim the Linux OS is theirs, that's just a 
communication error between engineer and lawyer.

So I think I am misunderstanding something here.


Jun. 4, 2021 10:59:21 Dianne Skoll <dia...@skoll.ca>:

> This thread piqued my interest, but it seems to me they are
> violating the GPL.  
> https://support.remarkable.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000282757-reMarkable-End-User-License-Agreement
> says:  "You are not entitled to modify or distribute the Software."
> which seems to be in clear violation.
> Regards,
> Dianne.
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