> On Sep 3, 2021, at 05:09, Brett Delmage <brett.delm...@twobikes.ottawa.on.ca> 
> wrote:
> Does anyone on this list run ZFS without ECC?

I run ZFS in my home NAS.

> I always understood it was a risky filesystem choice without ECC. I really do 
> not want to have extensive filesystem corruption because of a bit flip, so 
> have not used it.

A bit flip in the wrong place can destroy any file system and any computer. ZFS 
is not really any different in this regard.

I run ZFS because it’s the only mature F/S which does checksumming across it’s 
data, not just the metadata. It’s slower but that’s OK.

Now I only use JBOD mode on any of my systems. If I need data redundancy, I 
sync the data between different disks using rsync/unison, preferably across 
different boxes and locations.

I use to use RAID-1 (or ZFS equiv) for redundancy but I have had enough HDD 
failures (consumer versions) that I no longer trust RAID because of possible 
rebuild problems.

I no longer use RAID for any data I care about due to latency and higher 
probability of rebuild failure. RAID’s throughput advantage no longer matter 
much to me because of SSD. Spinning rust latency is much more of an throughput 
issue. With big disks, rebuilding RAID-5 arrays has greater risks catastrophic 
failure (and can take forever in corporate settings). The time for RAID has 
gone by..

If you need more throughput then m.2 NVME SSD can provide (editing raw 8K 
videos is one of the few I can think of), buy a PCIe flash card. Those things 
run close to full PCIe bus speed with multiple lanes.

My $0.02 worth.


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