On Sun, 5 Mar 2023 15:01:06 -0500
"Stephen M. Webb" <stephen.w...@bregmasoft.ca> wrote:

> > I've never understood the appeal of Ubuntu.  It's really no better
> > than Debian and Canonical is a really crappy company with a toxic
> > CEO and a dreadful work environment (check Glassdoor reviews...)

> Can't leave this hanging.

> I worked at Canoncial for 7 years and it was magical. Best job ever.

That's great.  I'm glad for you.

My experience with Shuttleworth is a first-hand experience.  My
interaction with him was one of the most negative of my entire
professional life, and my interaction with other managers really left
me with the feeling that they were afraid of him and that the
workplace was dysfunctional.  I did not read any Glassdoor reviews
prior to that (so as to go in with an open mind), but the reviews I
read subsequent to my personal interactions confirmed my impressions.

In any large company, there are always a few good jobs.  Maybe you
were lucky.

The list of non-standard semi-abandoned Ubuntu technologies is a long
one... Upstart, Mir, Juju, Ubuntu Mobile... they seem to have severe
NIH syndrome.

Anyway.  While Ubuntu itself is an OK distro, I could not in good conscience
use anything from Canonical, given its leadership.



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