Michael Goguen via linux wrote on 2024-04-02 21:21:

Has anyone here ever heard of some alternative social media services like identi dot ca and pump dot io ?

Aren't Mastodon (Twitter alt) and / or Lemmy (Reddit alt) federated social media services that have been fairly popular** lately?

I haven't heard identi.ca mentioned in a decade and had no idea they used "pump" or even existed.

Any thoughts on these, or how other ones compare?

Never tried any of them, but have landed on some Mastodon posts about the xz-utils hack. It seems to have a nice layout.

What's missing is the network effect.

Is this better for an online or in person meeting?

I don't think any of the services mentioned support audio / video conferencing nor real-time desktop sharing. Could be wrong.

And, how would it even work for in person meetings?

I'm fond of self-hosted Nextcloud instances with the built-in Talk app for all the Zoom / Jitsi functionality.

** for some definition of "popular"

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