Existe una version nativa para ruindows de postgres 7.5 y 8.0 beta

Leonardo Martinez wrote:

> Srs.
> Acabo de instalar cygwin para poder correr postgres sobre un 
> win2K He hecho lo que sale en 
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faqs/text/FAQ_MSWIN
> 1 .- /usr/sbin/cygserver &  --> OK
> Pero al hacer 
> $ initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -W -E LATIN1
> Sale este mensaje y arroja es ultimo mensaje de erroe donde 
> dice que fallo 
> /******************************************************/
> The files belonging to this database system will be owned by 
> user "lmartinez". This user must also own the server process.
> The database cluster will be initialized with locale C.
> creating directory /usr/local/pgsql/data... ok
> creating directory /usr/local/pgsql/data/base... ok
> creating directory /usr/local/pgsql/data/global... ok
> creating directory /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_xlog... ok  creating directory
>/usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_clog... ok 
> selecting default max_connections... Signal 12 Signal 12 
> Signal 12 Signal 12 Signal 12 Signal 12 10 selecting default 
> shared_buffers... Signal 12 Signal 12 Signal 12 Signal 12 
> Signal 12 Signal 12 Signal 12 Signal 12 Signal 12 Signal 12 
> Signal 12 50 creating configuration files... ok creating 
> template1 database in /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/1... Signal 12
> initdb: failed
> initdb: removing data directory "/usr/local/pgsql/data" 
> /******************************************************/
> Y no puedo arrancar el postmaster
> $ postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
> FATAL:  data directory "/usr/local/pgsql/data" does not exist
> Que estara sucediendo?
> Soy un novato y queria aprender a usar postgres...
>Leonardo Martinez Paz                  User Linux #346761 counter.li.org
>Ingenieria en Computacion e Informatica     Fono : +56 2 559 01 83
>Universidad Nacional Andres Bello                  +56 2 463 26 27
>Santiago, Chile                             Movil: +56 9 697 37 01


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