>Ya empezo el FUD. Me va a decir ahora que Sarge es 
>"inestable"... O que no tiene soporte de seguridad.... 
>Que pena, hablar con argumentos era mejor...

para los que siguen cantando la misma cancion:

Q: How is security handled in Debian?

A: Once the security team receives a notification of an incident, 
one or more members review it and consider its impact on the 
stable release of Debian (i.e. if it's vulnerable or not). If our 
system is vulnerable, we work on a fix for the problem. The 
package maintainer is contacted as well, if they didn't contact 
the security team already. Finally, the fix is tested and new 
packages are prepared, which are then compiled on all stable 
architectures and uploaded afterwards. After all of that is done, 
an advisory is published.

>PD : Sarge SI TIENE soporte del equipo de Seguridad de Debian. Y en 
>menos de un mes, sera estable. De hecho, Sarge/Testing es bastante 
>alejado de ser inestable.

para que vean la cantidad de cosas que dicen sin darse el trabajo de 
leer primero:

Q: How is security handled for testing and unstable?

A: The short answer is: it's not. Testing and unstable are rapidly moving 
targets and the security team does not have the resources needed to 
properly support those. If you want to have a secure (and stable) server 
you are strongly encouraged to stay with stable. However, the security 
secretaries will try to fix problems in testing and unstable after they are 
fixed in the stable release.

Q: How does testing get security updates?

A: Security updates will migrate into the testing distribution via unstable. 
They are usually uploaded with their priority set to high, which will reduce 
quarantine time to two days. After this period, the packages will migrate into 
testing automatically, given that they are built for all architectures and 
dependencies are fulfilled in testing.

Q: How is security handled for contrib and non-free?

A: The short answer is: it's not. Contrib and non-free aren't official parts of 
Debian Distribution and are not released, and thus not supported by the 
security team. Some non-free packages are distributed without source or without 
a license allowing the distribution of modified versions. In those cases no 
fixes can be made at all. If it is possible to fix the problem, and the package 
maintainer or someone else provides correct updated packages, then the security 
team will generally process them and release an advisory.

Ahora me van a salir no se con que cosa..... mejor le hago caso a mi jefe y me 
de buscar la forma de hacer entender a la gente lo que no quiere entender

Carlos Manuel Duclos Vergara
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri May 13 17:30:27 2005
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (augusto ingunza)
Date: Fri May 13 18:30:39 2005
Subject: Asignacion dinamica de disco


Saben si Linux tiene la posibilidad de adicionar
discos a su array 5 y si los distribuye


Yahoo! Mail Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. 
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri May 13 18:33:40 2005
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jose Miguel Vidal Lavin)
Date: Fri May 13 18:33:48 2005
Subject: reparar filesystem
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carlos Molina wrote:

>tengo una servidor con suse 9.0 que posee por "harte de magia" el
>sistema de archivos dañado, ocasionando que no arranque, los discos
>estan con reiserfs.
>al inciarlo me dice que haga el chequeo manual.... lo hago con reiserfsck <dev>
>y con las opciones q me indica el suse pero al reiniciar vuelve a
>suceder lo mismo,
>alguno de uds, ha tenido algun experiencia similiar ? y de ser asi,
>podria indicarme como lo arreglaron...
con un live cd respaldar e instalar de cero con fs etx3

From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri May 13 16:52:03 2005
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel Ocaranza)
Date: Fri May 13 18:38:51 2005
Subject: hacker
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

lol xD
ahi esta el log completo de la discucion!


aunque en realidad todos tenemos ip asi que metaforicamente
si ataco a estaria atacandote a ti tb :p

On 5/13/05, Miguel Oyarzo O. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Estimados
> lean este novedoso metodo de ataque de este hacker.
> espero q no les pase a ustedes:
> http://www.diarioti.com/gate/n.php?id=8596
> Cualquier comentario bienvenido
> Saludos
> Miguel Oyarzo
> Punta Arenas


                         Daniel Ocaranza B

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