2013/2/12 JOSE LUIS PALACIOS VERGARA <joselpalaci...@gmail.com>
> El servidor de correo es sendmail (a pesar que a muchos no les guste)
> Alguien tiene alguna idea de que puede suceder pasando.

Pille esto de casualidad:

"Sendmail version 8.9.3 and subsequent releases have a security
enhancement that will ignore the .forward file if either of the
following conditions exist:
The .forward file has group or world writeable permissions
Any of .forward file's parent directories have group or world writable
If you think that the vacation program is not working because the
.forward file is being ignored, check the permissions. If you must
have group or world writeable permissions on any of the parent
directories of the .forward file, then set the DontBlameSendmail
option in the sendmail configuration file with the appropriate


Juan C. Inostroza
" Federal regulations require me to warn you that this next test
chamber... is looking pretty good"

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