>* yum makecache
*>* yum update tzdata-java
*>>* 2013/12/10 Carlos "casep" Sepulveda <casep en fedoraproject.org
*>>* 2013/12/10 Enrique Cortes <enriquecortes2710 en gmail.com
*>>>* Estimados
*>>>* Tengo un problema con las horas de los logs de sistema y de una apliación
*>>>* en particular que trabaja con java.
*>>>>>>* Luego de actualizados los paquetes que te indicó Salles, relanzaste la
*>>* aplicación?
*>>* Hay algunas aplicaciones que sólo toman la hora al momento de ser lanzada.
Enrique, hola:
1.- Sólo 1 hebra! (ahora entiendo, debo copiar el ultimo mensaje sorry)
2.- Correcto, re-lanzar = reiniciar.
3.- Pon acá el output de

Tue Dec 10 15:04:45 CLST 2013

-rpm -qi tzdata-java

Name        : tzdata-java                  Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 2013c                             Vendor: Scientific Linux
Release     : 2.el5                         Build Date: Tue 09 Jul
2013 06:40:50 AM CLT
Install Date: Wed 11 Sep 2013 01:55:14 PM CLST      Build Host: norob.fnal.gov
Group       : System Environment/Base       Source RPM:
Size        : 280693                           License: Public Domain
Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Tue 09 Jul 2013 09:03:22 AM CLT, Key ID b0b4183f192a7d7d
URL         : https://www.iana.org/time-zones
Summary     : Timezone data for Java
Description :
This package contains timezone information for use by Java runtimes.

-rpm -qi tzdata

Name        : tzdata                       Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 2013c                             Vendor: Scientific Linux
Release     : 2.el5                         Build Date: Tue 09 Jul
2013 06:40:50 AM CLT
Install Date: Wed 11 Sep 2013 01:55:12 PM CLST      Build Host: norob.fnal.gov
Group       : System Environment/Base       Source RPM:
Size        : 1939214                          License: Public Domain
Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Tue 09 Jul 2013 09:03:22 AM CLT, Key ID b0b4183f192a7d7d
URL         : https://www.iana.org/time-zones
Summary     : Timezone data
Description :
This package contains data files with rules for various timezones around
the world.

-ls -la  /etc/localtime

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2001 Sep 13 00:10 /etc/localtime

 zdump -v /etc/localtime | grep 2013

/etc/localtime  Sun Feb 17 01:59:59 2013 UTC = Sat Feb 16 23:59:59
2013 BRST isdst=1 gmtoff=-7200
/etc/localtime  Sun Feb 17 02:00:00 2013 UTC = Sat Feb 16 23:00:00
2013 BRT isdst=0 gmtoff=-10800
/etc/localtime  Sun Oct 20 02:59:59 2013 UTC = Sat Oct 19 23:59:59
2013 BRT isdst=0 gmtoff=-10800
/etc/localtime  Sun Oct 20 03:00:00 2013 UTC = Sun Oct 20 01:00:00
2013 BRST isdst=1 gmtoff=-7200

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