>- standard MIB-II information
>       - ingress/egress traffic per interface
>       - errors and discards per interface
>       - pulled via SNMP (obviously)
>- DSL line statistics
>       - SNR margin
>       - attenuation
>       - line power
>       - errors (CRC, FEC, HEC)
>       - available bandwidth (provisioned and maximum)
>       - grabbed via a Perl script I didn't write
>The only thing not working properly is the bandwidth, and I have
>yet to really figure out why.  That's a project for this weekend.

The default Cacti data/graph templates for graphing bandwidth do so using the 
ingress/egress stats from the MIB-II Interface MIB (so does MRTG). Take a look 
at the "Interface - Traffic (bits/sec)" templates for pointers on how to get 
your custom templates working the way that you want them to.

I believe that the ADSL-Line MIB also provides bandwidth statistics for the DSL 
interface. If so they will be identical to the ingress/egress stats found under 
the Interfaces MIB.
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