John C Nash wrote:
> For some benchmarking tests I want to do, I'd like to be able to use
> command line tools to get the following information (not only for Linux
> -- my tests will be on Mac and PC too, but that will come later):
> - OS version, by which I mean not just the "uname -a" stuff, but also
> whether I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 or Debian Lenny.
> - Processor (uname seems to be a bit sketchy on this)
> - RAM installed (Is free good enough? It needs interpretation. I'd like
> RAM available to the application I'm running.)
> - possibly other stuff

I think you can get most of this information with Perl, using the
Sys::Info module (  I haven't
used it myself, but based on the docs it should support most UNIX and
Windows flavours.

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