Thank you all for your invaluable suggestions.

Fact is that the BIOS does not recognize the Seagate 7200.11 hard drive.
This condition makes software recoveries/ fixes a problem.

I contacted Seagate Recovery Services yesterday pm.  They were very helpful
and acknowledged there was as problem with the hard drives (claimed ~25%).
There was solution was quite reasonable.  They are paying for my UPS
shipping to Seagate in Oakville.  They will change the firmware (not affect
data) and, if successful, they will ship my HD back to me with no loss of
data.  They stated it take max 4 weeks, but probably 2 weeks, at no cost to
me.  Success rate cannot be guaranteed, but ~98%.  I would have accepted
much less!

If not successful, they will email me problem and they will try to correct
it in their lab with an estimated cost.

As for my other Seagate (same model) which is still functioning (but when
will it fail?!), the warranty service area will replace it when I return it
to them.

I believe this is the best resolution as it is their product and they have
to stand behind it to maintain their reputation.  All these companies will
have "bad apples" at some time.

Thanks again, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


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