I supose the WNDR3700 could stand some more memory if you're going to do
anything fancy with it.

root@DD-WRT:~# free
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:        61824        26444        35380            0         1864
 Swap:            0            0            0
Total:        61824        26444        35380

root@DD-WRT:~# uptime
 01:50:48 up 10 days,  9:18, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

root@DD-WRT:~# top
Mem: 26220K used, 35604K free, 0K shrd, 1864K buff, 5588K cached
CPU:  0.0% usr  0.0% sys  0.0% nic 86.4% idle  0.0% io  0.0% irq 13.5% sirq
Load average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 1/31 26799
 1147     1 root     S     2440  3.9  0.0 httpd -p 80
  701     1 root     S     1596  2.5  0.0 hostapd -B -P
  763     1 root     S     1592  2.5  0.0 hostapd -B -P
  481     1 root     S     1468  2.3  0.0 watchdog
 7758     1 root     S     1460  2.3  0.0 wland
  604     1 root     S     1432  2.3  0.0 resetbutton
  849     1 root     S     1136  1.8  0.0 ttraff
 7383     1 root     S     1136  1.8  0.0 process_monitor
26755   883 root     S     1092  1.7  0.0 dropbear -b /tmp/loginprompt -r
26776 26755 root     S     1068  1.7  0.0 -sh
    1     0 root     S     1064  1.7  0.0 /sbin/init
26799 26776 root     R     1060  1.7  0.0 top
  824     1 root     S     1048  1.6  0.0 telnetd
  883     1 root     S     1036  1.6  0.0 dropbear -b /tmp/loginprompt -r
  853     1 root     S      796  1.2  0.0 dnsmasq
  471     1 root     S      684  1.1  0.0 /sbin/hotplug2 --set-rules-file
 1402     1 root     S      676  1.0  0.0 cron
 1759     1 root     S      676  1.0  0.0 udhcpc -i eth1 -p
    3     2 root     SW       0  0.0  0.0 [ksoftirqd/0]
  139     2 root     SW       0  0.0  0.0 [mtdblockd]

root@DD-WRT:~# uname -a
Linux DD-WRT #3629 Thu Feb 17 09:48:30 CET 2011 mips

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 5:55 PM, Mike Kenzie <ba...@ncf.ca> wrote:

> On Saturday 16 April 2011 09:33:13 Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> >   a while back, i suggested on the KWLUG list that, as a group, we
> > pick communal projects and work on them as a collective so that
> > everyone got the benefit.  and one of the projects i suggested was
> > selecting a state-of-the art, openwrt-compatible wireless router that
> > interested parties could purchase, then over time, we'd document in
> > excruciating detail how to build and install openwrt on such a beast.
> >
> >   anyone who wanted to play along would, of course, have to purchase
> > the stock router, at which point anyone familiar with openwrt could
> > start the ball rolling, we'd document the steps in a wiki somewhere so
> > that even beginners could participate.
> >
> >   first task would be to select an appropriate router that's not
> > stupidly expensive with some minimal features, such as:
> >
> >   * obviously, openwrt-flashable
> >   * open source drivers for wireless chip
> >   * 4 wired ports (pretty much standard these days)
> >   * at least one USB port
> >
> > you get the idea.  there was some discussion about the ubiquity
> > routerstation pro:
> >
> >   http://www.ubnt.com/rspro
> >
> > which comes with openwrt already installed, but of course, we'd want
> > to document how to download the software and build our own installable
> > image.
> >
> >   any interest in doing something like this?  and any alternative
> > recommendations for other routers that would be ideal for this?
> Perhaps we could try an implementation of the Freedom Box
> http://freedomboxfoundation.org/
> --
> Collector of vintage computers http://www.ncf.ca/~ba600
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> Linux mailing list
> Linux@lists.oclug.on.ca
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Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
    Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
    Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
    Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God?

 - Epicurus
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