On Sun, 11 Dec 2011, Jeremy Carter wrote:

> >  if i have a byte-for-byte image file for the SD card, is it possible
> > to mount one of those internal filesystems?  i'm well aware of the "-o
> > loop" option for mounting image files, but now i want to mount a
> > filesystem that's *inside* such an image file, so i can make changes
> > to it.
> >
> >  can i do this?  am i missing something stupidly obvious?
> >
> You can get the offset of the partition you want access to by running:
> parted sd_card.img
> Once you know the start offset of the partition you want, you can use
> mount with the offset option:
> mount -t ext3 -o loop,offset=your_start_offset sd_card.img /mnt/mountpoint

  ah, i'm embarrassed to admit i never knew the loop mount accepted an
offset.  problem solved.

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