On Sun, 15 Jan 2012, Shawn H Corey wrote:

> I'm currently using Bell for my ISP but I thinking of changing; they are
> charging too much money for too little performance. I am looking for an
> ISP to provide DSL at home. Any suggestions?

I would also support Teksavvy from personal experience of 5 years; I was 
previously with Bhell for 11.

To assist you in making your own informed decision I'll point you to 
Canadian ISP forums at DSL Reports. http://www.dslreports.com/forums/23

You can find lots of user experiences shared here, at least in the 
Teksavvy forums. I would suggest you read the Teksavvy blog and forums 
before choosing their newer cable offering (over Rogers network). There 
have been some serious problems and weeks-long many-customer outages since 
December. The DSL services seems to have been fairly reliable.

Note that with the latest CRTC-screwing of Canadian Internet users, that 
DSL prices are generally increasing a bit in a month or so.

Good luck!


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