On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Rob Echlin wrote:

... snip ...

> Hi Rob Day,
> I agree with Richard.
> There are many reasons why people go to a presentation by you at OCLUG,
> either instead of or as well as reading the process on your web site.
> - better fits their learning style
> - ask you related questions or followup questions, while you have the 
> computer handy
> - meet other people with similar interests
> - go to see if its worth while asking the boss to hire you to do some training
> - they set aside time for the meeting, but haven't set aside separate time 
> for learning about that subject
> - they want to debate the value of changing some element in the process, or 
> using a completely different process
> The point is, if someone proposes an interesting topic, any
> individual who needs it for work, now, can go to the web and find
> related info  before the meeitng. The interesting topic is still
> interesting as a presentation at the meeting.

  i actually agree with all of the above.  if there's going to be a
raspberry pi component to the next meeting, i'd be happy to show how
to build a bootable image for it using openembedded if people want to
see it.

  takes only a few minutes and that's what i did for a talk i gave
last week -- built, from scratch, a bootable SD card image for an RPi
with no access to the hardware.  i simply followed the instructions,
created the SD card image, copied it to SD card and handed that to
person with RPI at home.  he emailed me that evening, thrilled that it
booted the first time.

  so given, say, 20 minutes, i can show how that was done at next
meeting unless it's already booked.



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday
LinkedIn:                               http://ca.linkedin.com/in/rpjday
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