So I re-read your request and I got it wrong.

The settings you seek should be accessible via gconf-editor / gconftool /
gconftool-2, but I cannot seem to find the screensaver fields on my system.
 Maybe you'll have better luck.

You can try this...

$ gconftool-2 -R / | grep saver

and then for each key it finds, run it with

$ gconftool-2 -a /apps/totem/plugins/screensaver
 active = true

You can then use gconfgtool-2 to set these options.

Good luck,

On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Prof J C Nash (U30A) <>wrote:

> Has anyone used a script to set the screensaver rather than the
> interactive GUI? I'm using Mint, but other pointers welcome. I'm looking
> into a script to set up new machines e.g., when I visit colleagues and can
> have a VM, that would have the components and settings I like, and it would
> be nice to avoid having to set the screensaver and power settings, among
> others. Not anything vital, just useful if not to much work, and I could
> take a USB stick with iso and a script or two to do the setup unattended.
> (I suppose another way is to take a larger stick with the VM.)
> JN
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