something i've been wanting to get started on for a while, and hoping
for some advice. i'd like to start the process of ripping all my music
CDs without yet knowing how i'm going to treat them down the road. all
i want to do is pop out, buy a honking big external hard drive and start
transferring, but i want to do it in such a way that i don't regret how
i did it in a few months and realize i should have done it differently.

  given lots of disk space, my initial idea is to rip everything to FLAC
format, which is of course the least efficient but is lossless. for now,
i won't care about space efficiency, i can always convert to a different
format later once i decide how to set up my in-house media centre.

  thoughts? all i want is the recipe for how i can start loading up that
new hard drive with my tunes, and not have to facepalm myself a few months
from now, muttering, "crap, i forget to do X so i have to start all


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