On 13-04-29 09:19 AM, Martin Settle wrote:
Hi Bill
I'm may be one of those uncommon people you are referencing... I'm a CGA,
and for years have supported and worked with FOSS, including setting up a
couple of (very small) companies in the UK to use GnuCash and PayThyme (an
open source UK payroll system). I'm currently stuck in a largely
proprietary and closed source world, using Sage ACCPAC for work and
Quickbooks for private clients -- neither of which were my choice.
I've also developed accounting and financial reporting systems using LAMP
(and more recently, the symfony framework on LAMP). I've been aware of
SQL-Ledger and looked at it years ago, but have not actually worked with it.
I don't have a huge amount of time, but I would certainly be willing to
discuss possibilities.
Martin Settle
Interesting background. It seems I'm in a unique situation as well.
I've set up and successfully run a Sage AccPac system for a company
using the Pervasive SQL server on Linux as the back end - with AccPac
running VMWare virtual Windows clients under Mac O/SX, Linux and on
native Windows boxes. Funny, but the CA Firm who sold the AccPac swore
it would never work and it has been trouble free for seven years. I
extrude the clients across OpenVPN and no one is in the same location.
Client loves it, it just works without any trouble.
The guy from the CA firm just stood there with his mouth open while I
set things up - and then was completely blown away when the Sage LanPac
authenticated across the VPN and ran the clients on three different Host
O/S platforms. Cost way less than MS SQL server, needed less hardware
and doesn't require annual ransom payments to Redmond to keep it running.
Bill Strosberg
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