Hello Linux-using Ottawans,

I'm writing to let you know that the editorial team behind Linux Format has
quit, and is in the process of launching a rival Linux magazine called
Linux Voice.


Linux Voice will cover most of the same content as Linux Format, with many
of the same writers, but it will be different in three key areas:

1/ We'll give 50% of our profits back to community groups and organisations
supporting free software. Admittedly our profits won't be massive at first,
but if we achieve even half the success that Linux Format did (and maybe we
will after a couple of years) we'll be able to contribute quite a bit of

2/ After no longer than 9 months, we'll relicense old content under the
Creative Commons CC-BY-SA licence, so teachers, LUGs, students and anybody
else can take, copy and improve upon our work for their own ends.

3/ We won't be owned by a bunch of hedge funds, like Linux Format is (
http://www.futureplc.com/investors/major-shareholders/), so we'll be free
from corporate interference. Free to do the best job we possibly can.

If you could let your members know what we're doing, we'd be most grateful.
And if anyone there is a Linux Format reader, please direct them to
www.indiegogo.com/projects/linux-voice so they can see what we're up to.


Andrew Gregory,
Linux Voice
Linux mailing list

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