Location: Dymon Storage Boardroom, 1554 Carling Ave, not in Kanata

Note: We currently do not have a fixed location for the monthly meetings, so 
this month and in December it will be in at Dymon Storage on Carling Avenue 
(Carling at the Queensway) There is a possibility that we will have something 
in the new year, but that has not gone beyond the investigative phase yet.

This month we will be having a BoF session. We do not have a specific topic 
this evening, so it is basically a free forum night. Two potential topics 
posted to the mailing list are git and vim. Additional topics are welcome.

There will be a one hour pre-meeting item from 18:00 to 19:00 for people who 
are new to Linux, have general questions, or wish to help out with people who 
are just getting started.

Note: We are always soliciting speakers for future meetings. If anyone wants to 
get up and cover a favourite project, solution, etc. feel free to contact the 
board with an outline.
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