Yes, very good point. Although the TCP/IP stack and principles may be
well known, the wireless aspect is still (at least for me) complex. I
still have some problems with mine, and I don't know enough to diagnose
whether the problem is the router or its location.

Le code source libre c'est l'ouverture de l'esprit.
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [OCLUG-Tech] Opinions requested: LF Good low powered
multi-port gateway/wireless router
From: "Robert P. J. Day" <>
Date: Mon, January 05, 2015 7:27 am
To: Peter Meyer <>

On Sun, 4 Jan 2015, Peter Meyer wrote:

> Forum:
> Opinions please. I am looking to build/buy something that replaces my
> existing router/gateway box.
> My thinking is taking me in two directions. One is to replace my existing
> WRT54GL running Tomato with another embedded system running openWRT or build a
> multi-port router (raspberry pi???) with:
> 1. wireless N
> 2. unique zones and policies that separate the wifi (wlan) from the
> local network (lan) and firewall both from the internet.
> 3. QOS controls - This has become less of an issue as my DSL pipe is
> 10/1, however I would like to add VOIP onto this network and
> prioritize its traffic above all other.

... snip ...

 we just had a brief conversation re: wireless routers, and i'm
bringing a bunch of them to the next meeting to give away as i have
too many of them. :-)

 if anyone is a true wireless/networking guru, perhaps it would be
useful to get a short tutorial on wireless router features to look for
when shopping.



Robert P. J. Day Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

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