If you go to the bottom of the page, there is an area dropdown, everything
will be the same except the city name.

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 8:52 PM, Shawn H Corey <shawnhco...@gmail.com>

> On Sun, 10 May 2015 20:11:34 -0400
> David Manouchehri <da...@davidmanouchehri.com> wrote:
> > I'm guessing their business model
> > is to mostly do nothing, and then hope they find the occasional
> > non-technical client who doesn't know any better. They hire contract
> > teachers for their courses, so I'm guessing they pay them around
> > ~$50/hr and pocket >$300/hr. Seems rather predatory to me, I would
> > avoid even mentioning their URL or company name.
> Their business model is selling confidence. Not everyone is comfortable
> with messing around with technology. What they're selling is the
> confidence to do so.
> --
> Don't stop where the ink does.
>         Shawn
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