This is timely, as OCLUG Board is meeting tonight.

Personal view (do not take as Board position): This does fit with our
mandate. It is appropriate for the web site to have moderated
"announcements" that are <= 4 lines, say, and at no charge. We used to
run a mailing list for this, but multiple lists are a pain and we
dropped them. It is also worth considering "ads". The question then is a
policy. I don't want ads for MS Office on our site, for example, nor KFC
etc. And we need to work out what is reasonable pricing so it is
attractive to vendors of Linux products and services and covers OCLUG
efforts to administer.

I will be suggesting that OCLUG consider this seriously, and that we
experiment, since we have a more or less "tame" advertiser in Robert
with whom we can presumably have a fairly open conversation.

Best, JN

On 15-05-28 09:49 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>   NOTE: What's coming up constitutes marketing on my part, but I'm
> going to ask just this one time.
>   Is there a way to purchase advertising space on the OCLUG web page
> to advertise some of my courses that I plan on starting to teach
> locally next month here in town? Currently, I have the following 1-day
> Git course scheduled for next month:
>   I suspect most OCLUG members know that I spend most of my time doing
> Linux- and open source-related training and, until now, I've spent a
> majority of my time teaching for other vendors (Red Hat among others),
> but I want to start focusing on delivering more local courses of my
> own, here in the Ottawa area.
>   My particular interest is in short, *focused* courses -- one or two
> days if possible, simply because most of the clients I've chatted with
> over the years say they just don't have the time to send people to
> 3/4/5-day classes, particularly if there's only *part* of the course
> they want. (That is a *ridiculously* common complaint about training
> courses these days.)
>   Along with short courses, my other interest is offering courses that
> aren't crazy, stupid expensive. I don't need to be greedy, I just want
> to make a decent living teaching locally.
>   Anyway, I was wondering if there is some kind of mechanism by which
> I can purchase advertising space on the OCLUG site somewhere to
> advertise upcoming courses. As another option, I can offer discounts
> to anyone who is a member of OCLUG. Lots of possibilities, I'm sure.
>   In any event, thoughts? I have a number of short courses I'm working
> on that I want to start putting on the schedule, and I'm open to any
> way to get the word out, and I have no problem paying for advertising
> space.
> rday
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