On 16-05-31 06:32 PM, Charles MacDonald wrote:
> On 16-05-31 08:47 AM, Stephen M. Webb wrote:
>  Then there's the deb vs. rpm dichotomy, and we will not
> Is packaging really even a worry when developing?
> the programmer will just be doing "make install" until they are happy with 
> the code, and then they can just use a tool
> to build the RPM and the DEB to distribute their creation.

That's great: download the sources for GNU C and then "make install" using your 
Linux dev environment to get your Linux
dev environment up and running.  Oh, wait, we're trying to set up a Linux dev 
environment, right?  That was the point?

The package management system in use is paramount in communicating the 
instructions for installing the packages used for
a Linux dev environment.

Few professionals developers even do "make install" any more.  It's 2016.  
Deploying a Docker instance onto a headless
server?  Sideloading onto a phone?  Using an IDE like QtCreator?  Those are 
21st-century development tasks.

Stephen M. Webb  <stephen.w...@bregmasoft.ca>
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