> On Fri, 16 Mar 2018, James wrote:
> > It is necessary for running a command on all files matching a
> > pattern.
On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 11:04:30AM -0400, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>   i'm pretty sure that's not true.
> […]
>   $ echo /* | wc -c
>   119
>   $ echo /*/* | wc -c
>   159988
>   $ echo /*/*/* | wc -c
>   688989
>   $ echo /*/*/*/* | wc -c
>   3882671

It is. In the examples above you're likely inadvertently using a shell
builtin, rather than an external process. Try /usr/bin/echo.

> > Wildcarding substitutes the full file names of each matching result
> > of the wildcard on the command line. Thousands of matching
> > names/paths can easily blow up the buffer.
>   but that's the very point i was making ... that once upon a time,
> there was limited space to construct a command before running it but,
> these days, that limit is clearly much larger.

Still not large enough.

> i'm fairly sure i can conclude that a command can be at least 3882671
> characters long, can i not?

Let's distinguish between commands and external processes. The former
one is something to look into further.


Alex Pilon
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