On Thu, May 11, 2006 at 04:25:55PM +0200, SZOKOVACS Robert wrote:

> mit erdemes helyette?

Az elso levelben azt irtam, "olvasd el a dokumentaciot" (ha valaki tul
lusta google-t hasznalni, akkor

Roviden: skiplist minden olyan adatbazisra, amit nem szeretnel
elvesziteni. Ehhez meg 2.3.x eseten annyit erdemes hozzatenni, hogy

"One thing that isn't on that page yet is berkeley_hash and
berkeley_hash_nosync. These use hash tables instead of btrees. They
have the same properties and use cases, but the hash table versions seem
to have solved some locking issues that we were seeing at CMU."


     MTA SZTAKI Computer and Automation Research Institute
                Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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